September 6, 1943

4 1 0

Friday - Rumors

I was currently situated in my dorm, rifling through the many clothes in my trunk. I'd laid multiple dresses atop my bed, desperately looking back and forth between them. Although I had multiple options, I was having difficulty choosing which one to wear tonight to Slughorn's dinner. I had around thirty minutes to choose and get ready, but the time was quickly dwindling. None of my roommates were currently in our room, so I couldn't ask them their opinion. In a last desperate attempt, I raced out of the room and down to the common room, where I was sure Abraxas would be.

I practically ran downstairs, taking them two at a time, and made a beeline to where he was sitting along with the other boys.

"Abe!" I yelled out catching my breath when I reached them.

He laughed at my exasperated appearance along with the others. Unlike the rest, Tom only spared me a bored glance, going back to whatever he was doing moments before.

"Yes?" Abraxas said when he stopped laughing. "Do you need anything?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Actually yes." I nodded hastily. "Can you please come with me for a few minutes?" I questioned, hoping to go back up as soon as possible. Time was ticking and I still hadn't even chosen what to wear.

"Of course." He said getting up" what do you need?"

I shook my head and didn't bother to reply, dragging him as quick as I could up the stairs, shutting the door to my room with a bang. I let go of his hand and briskly walked over to my bed where the three dresses lay.

"Ah I see," he said, asking over to stand beside me, his eyes roaming over the gowns. Almost immediately, he pointed to the middle one, a simple black dress, with a soft tulle sleeve. "That one," he said

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Of course it took you half a second to decide" I muttered, tearing it off the bed.

He chuckled, picking up the other two, replacing them in their place in my trunk. "It's obviously the right choice, you're just too worried right now to choose," he said, shutting the lid with a click.

"Thank you" I muttered, searching around for the small heels I'd thrown somewhere on the floor.

"Of course." He smiled, heading towards the door. "Need anything else?" He questioned, hesitating before opening the door.

I shook my head, gesturing him to exit. "Nope. Thanks, Ab. Sorry, I'm so stressed, I just want to make a good impression this year." I said sitting down on my bed.

"You always do," he said, giving me a wide smile before exciting, shutting the door with a click.

I sat on my bed for a moment longer before I stood up, preparing myself as best I could. I finished with just enough time to exit my room and make it on time for dinner. I rushed through the common room, exiting the door as quickly as possible, and stepped into the cold corridors. I shivered at the sudden cold. Despite it being only September, the dungeons were usually in a constant state of freezing unlike the rest of the castle.

In my haste, I'd barely noticed the figure stopped outside the door.

"Jeez Lili you're in a hurry. And you look gorgeous by the way." Seraphina said, giving me a once over.

"Thank you. I thought I was gonna be late because I couldn't decide what to wear. You know I always need your opinion." I replied to her, still rubbing my arms to warm them up against the cold of the corridor.

"Well next time I'll be sure to be there to help you avoid another dress crisis." She said with a laugh, "have fun at the dinner. Eat lots of dessert for me!" She said, moving to open the door after uttering the password.

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