September 4, 1943

7 1 0

Wednesday - Undiscovered

A week later, my research had been halted by the insane amount of work my teachers assigned us. I was currently sitting in an enclave in the Slytherin common room by one of the windows. It was rather cold today, so I was wrapped up in a knitted blanket Abraxas' mom had made me for Christmas last year. It was a sweet gift, knowing she took the time to actually make something for me, as she was rather hard sometimes. I shivered as I poured over my notes, jotting down information when I needed to.

Despite how much I really needed to do my homework, my mind kept wandering elsewhere. The past week all I'd been able to think about was my family and how some sort of ring that found its way into its history. I sifted through book after book, finding tidbits of information, but none that led to a sound conclusion. I shook my head and set my quill down. I rubbed my temples, attempting to clear my head of its wandering thoughts.

However, I was further interrupted by Abraxas, who abruptly sat down next to me and threw his arm around my shoulder.

"How's it going Laurent" he started before exclaiming "Merlin you're freezing" as he jumped back after making contact with my cold skin.

"Yeah it is freezing over here," I said, drawing the blanket even tighter to myself.

"Then why the bloody hell are you over here?" He questioned, taking in my body that was on the verge of shivering. "Best to move to the couch so you don't become an ice cube" he stated getting up and offering his hand. I debated staying, as it was a good place to clear my head, but decided it wouldn't do my focus any good if I was only focused on being cold.

I grabbed his hand with mine, picking up the rest of my stuff with my free hand. He led me over to one of the emerald green sofas in front of the fireplace. With each step, my body warmed a little until we were right in front of the fire. He sat down, releasing my hand as he stifled a yawn.

"Tired?" I asked although that was obvious.

He hummed in response." I had a late night last night" he said, not elaborating further. I didn't question him on it and just let my eyes wander around the common room. There weren't many people still there, as many  had already retired to their rooms for the night, or wandered out to god knows where. I did notice Tom not too far away, resting in an armchair with a familiar book in his hands, although it looked like he'd started over.

Without really thinking I called out to him." so you did enjoy it then?" I questioned, seriously wondering since this was supposedly the second time in two weeks he'd read it.

He glanced up at my words, an inkling of a smile on his face, although I wasn't too certain it was genuine. "Indeed. I suppose it was quite a good read. I enjoyed it." He said with a nod of his head, his eyes finding their way to the worn pages once more.

"Of course you did," I said, quite mocking of his comment to me just a week ago when I said it was my favorite book.

A flash of recognition made its way onto his features, as a small tilt appeared in his lips. He seemed to ponder the comment momentarily before shaking his head and returning to the book.

I took my focus away from Tom, who was already back to being fully engrossed in The Hobbit and onto Abraxas, who watched the interaction with amusement.

"Charming as always." He said cheekily, resting his arm on the back of the sofa.

I shrugged at his comment, not really knowing what to say. Thankfully he kept speaking, "so what's been up with you lately?" He questioned, "6th year treating you alright?"

I thought about it for a second before responding, my mind drifting to what I'd been researching once again. "I've been busy that's for sure"

"You're always busy" he groaned. "Always off doing some sort of work. And don't think I haven't seen you rushing off to the library every chance you've got." He said pointing a finger at me accusingly. "You can't be doing work every time you go in there so what're you up to miss Laurent"

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