September 7, 1943

7 0 0

Saturday - Advice

I awoke the next morning, an itchy feeling spread across my skin. I opened my eyes, surprised by the sunlight that was pouring through the windows already. I sat up, yawning as I stretched my muscles. I sighed when I looked down at my attire, noticing the crumpled dress that hung to my body, irritating my skin. I could always straighten it out with magic, so I hastily took it off, opting to shower in an attempt to soothe my skin. Afterward, I changed into a nice plain dress, remembering it was a Saturday, so we had planned to go to Hogsmede. I quickly made my way out the door, careful not to shut it hard as my roommates were still sound asleep in their beds. The first thing I noticed was the boys huddled in the same spot that I'd seen them the night before, although Riddle was present this time, making a small frown appeared on my face when I remembered his odd actions the previous night.

"Good morning boys," I said, forcing a smile on my face, avoiding looking at Riddle.

I received various greetings in response as I sat down on the sofa next to Abraxas. He offered me a small smile though there was a question behind his eyes. "You're usually up early on Hogsmede days?"

"Slughorn's dinner tired me out I guess, "I shrugged, wringing my hands, my eyes met Tom's for a second, his eyes already on me. I looked away quickly, a little uncomfortable under the intensity of his gaze.

"Right. I'd be tired if I had to go to those," Rosier chimed in, a disgusted look on his face at the thought. "They sound downright awful."

I laughed at his tone, "They're not all bad, but I definitely wouldn't say they're enjoyable," I responded.

Abraxas chimed back in, glancing at the gold watch on his wrist, "It's almost 10, should we get going soon?" He questioned everyone. There was a chorus of yes's as we all rose from the comfort of the couches.

My stomach grumbled slightly, as I hadn't gotten the chance to eat breakfast because I'd gotten up so late. Abraxas laughed upon hearing that, shaking his head as we moved towards the door. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll stop by The Three Broomsticks soon enough," He said opening the door.

I shoved his shoulder playfully, causing him to stumble as we exited. The rest of the boys didn't comment on our exchange as they were engaged in a conversation of their own. We all walked down to corridors, our permission slips in hand and smiles on our faces. Although perhaps mine didn't quite reach as far as it could have. I was excited to go to Hogsmede, but my mind continued to wander as we walked.

We'd arrived at the courtyard, lining up to get our slips checked. When it was our turn, we came to face with Professor Dumbledore. "Good morning Professor," I said cheerily, as he was one of my favorite professors. Not to mention transfiguration was one of my best subjects.

"Good morning Laurent and company, " He replied, an equally cheery smile on his face, although it was usually what adorned his face. He received a chorus of unenthusiastic replies, though I knew it was because the rest weren't exactly fond of him. I couldn't understand why, as he was an extremely powerful wizard who seemed to know what he was talking about, even if his words were often cryptic.

"Everything seems to be in order" He said, handing back our papers, sending us on our way.

I gave him a smile as I shoved mine in the pocket of my jacket. We had only walked a few meters when he called out again. "On, and I hear the bookstore is quite wonderful this time of year. They have quite the collection. " he said turning back around to take the next student's slip.

I looked over my shoulder with a confused look at his words, as cryptic as they usually were. I shook my head, turning back around, although his words still rested at the back of my mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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