Chapter 2 - Et Cruentatur

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Trigger warning!  This chapter contains heavy heavy themes of bullying (verbal and physical) and descriptions of blood and injuries stemming from bullying. Stop reading if need be, I'll give you a recap here if you ask. Tell me if I need to add anything to the trigger warning and I will! I hope y'all enjoy reading!

Et Cruentator - (Latin) And bleed


Midoriya fell onto the ground behind the school building, Bakugou stood over him. A crowd gathered around Midoriya like a pack of hungry dogs, the sight would be absolutely terrifying if he hadn't gone through this every day, it also helps that he wasn't there either. Midoriya, like every other time this happened, receded to the back of his mind. He never remembered the details of his beatings only recalling that they were there, nothing more, it didn't matter anyway.

The group around him was used to the blank stare from the boy, the unnerving, unblinking eyes. They simply saw Midoriya as he was, a useless, quirkless, boy. And this boy didn't have feelings, that was why he looked so dead, that's why no one could ever make the boy talk, that was why. None of the children wanted to consider any other possibilities. They didn't want to take responsibility for damaging Midoriya, they wouldn't. Not when it would ruin their chances to be heroes.

The group continued on with their normal routine, leaving bruises, cuts, and burns on Midoriya's pale skin. In the end, he was left bleeding, bruised, and burned on the ground behind the junior high building. The group that caused all of the damage had left when the first bell rang. In some sick way, Izuku found it amazing the amount of damage they could do in such a short amount of time, though, maybe it was because there were so many children involved in the daily activity.

Midoriya stood shakily, blood dripped onto the ground. Midoriya ignored it easily, he'd learned how to long ago. His head was already spinning, and he knew that any other distractions -much like the sticking of his shoes to his feet on the blood soaked ground- would only throw off the already shaky balance he had.

Midoriya took a step forward, swaying slightly with each new step. Soon he made it to the entrance to the school. There waiting for him was a janitor, who everyday reminded him to somehow get the blood off of his uniform and shoes before he entered.

Midoriya nodded at the unspoken command, not even noticing the man's bored face anymore. He was stuck completely in the hideous routine, unable to escape, and hating every single moment. Midoriya knew that as a quirkless person, he was less than nothing, no one cared for him, he didn't matter. Midoriya never saw a point in trying to leave. He would be treated the same wherever he went, that was how his world worked. It was sad, but it would remain true for the rest of his life. It was a simple fact for Midoriya.

The janitor watched Midoriya hobble his way over to a hose, take off his blazer and spray the stream of water over every article of clothing he could, though it never made much of a difference, his whole uniform was stained a dark pink anyway. The man didn't want to be forced to wipe the blood off the floor inside, water was much easier to remove.

The janitor, like everyone else who resided in the school, was quirked. A small water manipulation quirk that was, in reality, quite pathetic. He could only move about a tablespoon of water at a time, and it had to come from his own body, whether it be water from his blood or any other bodily fluid, it then had to leave his body to be able to move freely without harming his internal organs and the water always tore his skin when it left his body. Even with a near useless quirk, the janitor was better than Midoriya. He was a level above the boy, or any other quirkless person, they were subhuman to anyone with a quirk. Almost every quirked person made sure to press down that fact onto the quirkless. A Few, though, decided to help the quirkless, but it was usually for fame or money.

Midoriya limped back up to the entrance to the school, passing the janitor without any words, the man let him, watching his back as he made his way slowly down the hallway. Midoriya tried his best to not reopen his wounds. The ones he received a few days ago had opened once again, that didn't usually happen, but today was already turning out to be bad for Midoriya.

Midorya reached the stairs leading up to his first period class, he stared them down for a moment before he forced his aching body to move. It took at least a solid ten minutes to go up the two sets of stairs, leaving behind a few drops of blood that he hoped the group of janitors wouldn't find. He knew they probably would, they had grown a strange sense for any sort of mess he made, whether it be blood or anything else. That was the reason he was late to being home most days, the janitors always made him clean any blood he had left. His mother was never happy about that

Midoriya reached his first period class, and entered the room with an amazing amount of skill. Hardly even opening the door whilst his steps didn't make a sound. Only someone who had seen Midoriya enter the room like that every day the last few years would be able to see the boy, although anyone who wasn't used to the sight would've dropped their jaws to the floor in amazement.

The teacher, who had grown a keen eye towards Midoriya's entrance, scowled at the young boy. He genuinely couldn't wait until Midoriya graduated at the end of the year. Much like many of the quirked world, he found the boy to be a detestable mistake that was an embarrassment towards anyone he interacted with.

Midoriya quickly ran towards his seat, dodging a few stuck out feet, before wiping the white flowers that lay out on his desk off and quickly sitting down. His head was constantly pointed down, avoiding all eye contact to try and avoid his peer's anger. Midoriya's posture was that of a shrimp, his back hunched over to extremes, almost curling around his desk.

Midoriya wasn't scared of his class, but he knew that there were a few steps that he had to take to avoid their anger, and one of those just happened to be making himself smaller, and that entailed hunching over like he did.

Midoriya managed the rest of the day in a similar manner, making himself small, not talking, etc. He remained in his head for the remainder of the day, thinking over random topics to try and keep his mind off of his depressing and horrible existence.

When lunch arrived Midoriya moved up to the roof, like he usually did, and climbed up on top of the doorway. He laid down there, hoping that he will remain hidden from his fellow students, and gazed up towards the sky. Clouds were scattered around randomly, although much more dense than they normally were.

Another tick was added to Midoriya's list of bad day factors, he thought glumly, for it looked darker after a few minutes of staring, signalling the impending rain. He grumbled slightly at the thought, he hated walking home in the rain.

Midoriya sighed softly, not knowing how much noise would attract a student. Midoriya wondered how many bad turns his day could take.

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