Chapter 1

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Grambling, LA
Friday, December 6
12:20 PM

Xaelle Miller checked the last question on her final exam. She neatly packed all her materials back into her backpack and stood up with the exam in her hand.

She shyly walked to the front of the class to turn in her exam, being the first to do so she was nervous.

She handed in the paper with a small smile and walked out the classroom. Xaelle was met with the crisp winter air which was out of the norm from the usual hot and humid weather Louisiana was used to.

It was mildly depressing looking outside. The trees were frail looking and naked along with the overcast sky. The only thing that distracted the depressing setting was the christmas lights and decorations scattered around the campus.

Today was the beginning of the Christmas/New Years break and although everyone was excited, Xaelle couldn't bring herself to share the same feeling.

She let out a low sigh and began walking to the bus stop so she could go home.

When Xaelle was only two days old she was left at a safe haven with nothing other than her name, the diaper she was wearing, and a tattered blanket.

Growing up she moved from foster home to foster home until she eventually aged out.

She worked hard in school knowing what could become of her if she just gave up. Xaelle needed a way out and she knew that she was the key to doing so.

During highschool, she joined clubs and extracurriculars to gain scholarships and other opportunities that would benefit her.

Xaelle's work paid off when she got a full ride to Grambling University, She is currently in her last semester of senior year and is majoring in Social Work.

Xaelle was very focused on helping children who are growing up in the same environment as she once was. She wanted others to have the opportunities she had so they can be successful.

All 18 years in the system Xaelle was a shy, sweet, and quiet girl. When Xaelle was just five she met a little boy who she was close to like a brother. One day he was adopted and that led to Xaelle never speaking unless she was spoken to.

She understood that no matter what, these relationships weren't promised, nor were they forever.

Xaelle never sat and thought about it, but she was alone. The day she closed herself off was the day she felt like no one had truly loved her and had her back. This feeling had been going on for years, so to Xaelle, this was normal.

All of her accomplishments she had no one to share them with, but herself.

One thing she was excited about was her birthday. December 20th.

Growing up no one celebrated it so she never cared until she got older. She appreciated each year she gained knowing her life could've been completely different.

Xaelle approached the bus stop and waited for the next bus to arrive. Checking her apple watch and the schedule it would be there within the next five minutes.

The bus pulled in front of the stop and Xaelle waited for the doors to open. Once she entered she walked to the back in her usual seat.

Zipping up her jacket she got warm and enjoyed the ride to her apartment.

A couple stops later the bus neared a stop close by her apartment and she pulled the string to signal for the doors in the back to be opened.

She got off the bus and walked down the sidewalk to her apartment. Once she approached her building she used her key to unlock her mailbox and took the contents out.

Xaelle stayed in dorms for the first two years of college, but after she saved enough money from her job she bought an apartment. Junior year she moved in and replaced the fast food job for a paid internship.

She walked up a couple flights of stairs and unlocked her door stepping in. She was met with a warm apartment making Xaelle grateful. She slipped off her jacket and shoes saving them in the nearby closet.

Xaelle sat on her bed sifting through mail until she spotted one tan envelope.

The return address was in Atlanta, GA and it was from someone named Maisyn Miller.

Xaelle noticed that they had the same last name and curiously opened the letter.

Her eyes skimmed the paper reading the letter over and over again. Each time she read her eyes got wider and wider as the pieces started connecting.

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Edited 3/11/2021
778 Words

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