Chapter 5

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Atlanta, GA
Wednesday, December 18
2:00 PM

Over the past week Xaelle has gotten closer with her dad and Maisyn. Everything with Zaidee was unchanged which took a toll on Xaelle's emotions.

Xaelle stepped out her comfort zone and attempted to sparked conversations, but she was ignored every time. Although she was starting to get discouraged she couldn't help but make an effort every day.

Last Friday the girls went to the clinic to get a DNA test, and now they were waiting for the results, which Xaelle was very nervous for.

Something in the back of her mind told her that everything was going too good and bad news was coming soon. That's just how her life went, but she crossed her fingers, hoping she was wrong.

Maisyn and Xaelle were currently out eating while Zaidee decided to stay behind. Zaidee slowly was starting to see her own bitterness. She saw how sweet and pure Xaelle was and she couldn't imagine her doing anyone any harm.

She spoke to her boyfriend about the events going on and he gave his opinion. It was really eye opening for her.

Him and Zaidee have been together since freshman year in highschool and they had a child together. They talked about moving in together and having more kids, but Zaidee always hesitated.

Yes she did love her boyfriend and wanted to move farther in their relationship, but she felt like her father was keeping her there.

Although he never asked, she felt obligated to mature early and take care of her dad. That's why she was so hesitant about moving and leaving when her father might really need her.

The large amount of conversations she had with her boyfriend about the situation helped her self-reflect and realize that she was in the wrong.

"Zaidee!" Anthony called.

She got up walking into the living room where he watched tv.

Anthony turned the tv off and looked at Zaidee. He had had enough with Zaidee's behavior. He understood why she did it, but he didn't see a valid reason to continue to do so.

Anthony wanted Zaidee to realize that Xaelle was his daughter and that she was also her sister, and that would never change.

"Sit." he motioned for her to take a seat at the end of the couch.

"I need to talk to you about Xaelle."

Zaidee knew exactly what he was going to say. She was disappointed in herself knowing it had came to the point where her dad had to interfere.

"The way you've been treating Xaelle is unfair. You are grown with a child of your own and you are acting like a child yourself."


"No you need to listen. She has grown without parents and siblings and has ended up alone. You see how she doesn't raise her voice or speak unless she's spoken to. That's how she learned to adapt to the world. Avoiding eye contact and whispering half the time like she's scared. While you sit there with an attitude not claiming her. You need to apologize for how you treat her. Now go."

Zaidee got up and left. As much as she wanted to be mad at being told off she knew she was in the wrong. She knew she owed Xaelle an apology and she was ready to say it.

The front door closed and following it was laughter and talking. Zaidee walked to the top of the stairs and saw Xaelle.

"Xaelle can you come see me real quick?"
Xaelle nodded as Maisyn and Makaila looked at each other confused.

As Zaidee turned around she got a phone call from the clinic. It proved everything that Xaelle was indeed her sister. Zaidee felt even worse knowing she doubted Xaelle, but it was warming to get a confirmation.

She was knocked out of her thoughts when there was a soft knock at the door.


Xaelle Miller
Atlanta, GA
Wednesday, December 18
2:30 PM

I walked up to Zaidee's room where the door was open. She stood with her back faced towards me. I hesitantly knocked and she slowly turned around and she was oddly smiling at me.

I smiled back while I was still confused.

"Come in." I walked in still unsure of how to act, "First off I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting."

I felt myself let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I've been a huge bitch towards you ever since you came. This doesn't justify anything I've done, but I saw our dad get disappointed in talking about a potential child that he couldn't find, and that made me worried about him. I was looking out for him, but you're my sister and I should've been looking out for you too. I just wanted to apologize because you're really sweet and quiet and nothing like any of us. We are truly blessed to have you in our family now."

"Wow um," I cleared my throat fighting the tears, "Thank you I don't really know what to say. I mean I know you didn't mean to be rude I could tell that wasn't your intentions. I used to be really lonely and not know it, but now I know that I was just missing my a family. I never knew I needed y'all until now so I thank y'all for accepting me here."

We hugged for a while and I felt the tears going down my face. We pulled away both having tears on our faces.

"You want to go with me somewhere real quick?"

I nodded following her out the room.

"Y'all me and Xaelle going to get Ky!"

I was unsure who Ky was but I decided to go along with it.

We didn't hear anyone respond back but we still left. We talked a little bit and I got to know Zaidee better. She was the total opposite of the front she was putting up.

A little while later we pulled in front of a simple house. We both got out and Zaidee walked to the door, knocking. A man opened it holding a baby.

"Hey mommas baby." Zaidee dragged reaching for the baby.

My eyes widened a bit. I was unaware that Zaidee was a mother.

"Kyrian this is my sister Xaelle, Xaelle this is my boyfriend Kyrian."

I waved at him as he gave me a head nod.

Zaidee took the baby from him and rocked him a little bit.

"And this is Ky."

"He's really cute."

"Thank you."

Zaidee and her boyfriend conversed for a little while then we left to go back home.

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Edited 3/29/2021
I ended this weirdly.
1102 Words

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