Chapter 3

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[A/N: this was the day after Maisyn talked to Xaelle]

Maisyn Miller
Atlanta, GA
Saturday, December 7
10:23 AM

I turned to my right side as my eyes were met with a bright light. I cracked my eyes open seeing the light coming from my window. I stretched and sat up checking my phone, noticing random notifications.

I unlocked my phone going through my texts and missed calls.

I had a few texts from Xaelle pertaining to her flight. I responded to her texts before getting out of bed, doing my morning routine.

Today I planned to tell my dad about me finding Xaelle.

I was excited to tell him, but nervous for my sister. My older sister Zaidee was really overprotective and did not like anything interfering with our lives.

Long story short when my dad was younger he couldn't keep it in his pants resulting in many women claiming to be pregnant with his child. It definitely got old at one point, but Zaidee took it all to heart. I don't even think my dad reacted to it as much as Zaidee did.

My dad recently told us about how he believed he had another daughter out there, but never went into detail. I seemed to be the only one who wanted to look into our potential sister.

My dad was of course scared about potentially missing out on his child's life, while Zaidee could care less about it.

When I got my 23&me results and saw I was matched with someone, a half sister, I was excited to find her and tell my dad.

I went downstairs seeing everyone eating breakfast and occupied with their phones.

"I thought you was 'bout to be out until 12." my dad said with a laugh

I chuckled sitting down in front of the plate in my usual seat.

We ate and made small talk, but we were mainly all on our phones. I was texting Xaelle trying to calm her nerves about coming here. So far I could tell she was very quiet and shy which was way different from Zaidee and I's bold personalities.

"Guys I gotta tell y'all something." I found myself saying before I could stop myself.

My dad scrunched his face up as me as he noticed the look on my face. "I know damn well you not pregnant. You been out here hoeing?"

I scrunched up my face too saying, "No I'm not no damn pregnant." I took in a deep breath, "Ok so y'all know how I got that dna test to find out what I'm made of right?"

They both slowly nodded trying to figure out where this was going. "What you found out? You 50% Caucasian? I could've told you that." Zaidee said sarcastically.

My dad as I rolled our eyes. "I told y'all that was one time. White women aren't for a black man like myself." my dad let out a breath.

I shook my head knowing he was talking about my mom. Alike Zaidee's mom she left us here with our dad since he didn't want a relationship with her.

"Jesus lemme finish." I cleared my throat, "I got my results last week and there was a family tree section that I found interesting. I clicked on it just to see what it was about and it showed my profile and connected to it was a girl. It said that we shared dna and we're half-sisters."

"Oh come on Maisyn." Zaidee said dramatically, "Don't say shit like that. You gonna have dad thinking he got another daughter." She rolled her eyes waving me off.

"But he does. That means we have another sister."

"You know half-siblings work both ways right? Your momma probably had more children."

"No, but her last name is also Miller. If it was my mom that means dad would've had to you know with her twice."

"Still, do you know how many have the last name M-."

"What's her name?" my dad interrupted.

"Xaelle. I mailed a letter to her with my information and she called me yesterday."

"Maisyn you serious?" Zaidee said.

Her attitude was starting to piss me off. Like we have another sister, be grateful.

"Yeah I'm serious, now calm down before I tell you this next. I invited her over for Christmas and she'll be here Monday." I saw Zaidee's annoyed face change to an angry one, "And I told her she could stay in the guest room."

Zaidee dramatically got up and went up the stairs. I curled my lip at her. Dramatic for what?

Growing up none of our mom's wanted us. They thought if they kept the baby our dad would stay with them, but they were wrong. This led to Zaidee being the mother figure of the house at a young age. She was overprotective of me and treated me like I was 10 years younger than her. It was one of the main reasons why she was still living with our dad. I'm looking for apartments, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dreading leaving home too.

I looked at my dad and he held an unreadable expression.

"Daddy...say something."

"I don't really know what to say." he let out a dry laugh, "I guess I'm shocked. I mean it's just crazy to think that I have another daughter you know?"

"Yeah I was really shocked too, but I'm more happy about having another sister. I wish Zaidee felt the same."

"You know how she is, she'll warm up just give her time. She gets the dramatics from her mother." he rolled his eyes as I chuckled.

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Edited 3/26/2021
958 Words


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