Chapter 4

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Xaelle Miller
Atlanta, GA
Monday, December 9
4:55 PM

I exited the plane and went to baggage claim. While waiting for my bags I decided to send Maisyn a quick text letting her know that I landed.

I looked out for my bags and once I had all of them my phone buzzed indicating a text.

Maisyn💕: I'm about 8 minutes away, I'll be there soon

: ok see you then

I looked around using the signs as direction to find outside. Once I exited the building I found a bench to sit on while I waited.

The air here was crisp and a little humid like Louisiana which was comforting. I scrolled through random games on my phone until I saw received another text from Maisyn.

Maisyn💕: I pulled in front of the airport

: what kind of car do you have?

Maisyn💕: silver kia
Maisyn💕: what you wearing?

: a black sweatsuit

Maisyn💕: i think i see you

I looked up from my phone trying to spot Maisyn. Although I had no idea what she looked like I hoped I just knew when I saw her.


I turned around seeing a lighter skinned girl. She had beautiful brown eyes that reminded me of my own. Her dark hair was in a curly state going halfway down her back. She had a friendly face that made me naturally smile.


She nodded and gave me a tight hug. I was taken back by not only the hug, but my immediate response to hug her back. I never received much affection growing up so I never know how to respond to it, or even how to give it.

As we both pulled away I saw tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" I asked.

"The same reason you are." I held a confused look as my hand reached to feel my face. I felt tears going down my face as I wiped them away. I didn't even know I was crying. I'm very sensitive so I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

"So we're going to meet them now?"

"Yeah it's about a 30 minute drive. Daddy and Zaidee cooked." Maisyn said cheerfully.

I nodded not really knowing who Zaidee was. I decided I was going to learn who was who in person so Zaidee could be a sister or stepmom or anything really. All I knew was that I had a dad and another sister.

We listened to music on our way there and I got to know a little about Maisyn from just talking to her about simple things. She was a very bubbly and talkative person. It was refreshing to be around someone with such a prominent personality...or just anyone in general.

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We pulled up in front of black double gates in front of a big house. I immediately took a liking to the house.

 I immediately took a liking to the house

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