Chapter 2

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Xaelle Miller
Grambling, LA
Friday, December 6
12:05 PM

My brain seemed unable to grasp what was happening as my eyes repeatedly skimmed the letter.

Dear Xaelle,

You're probably wondering who I am and why I'm writing you. Firstly, name is Maisyn Miller and I live in Atlanta, GA with my dad and sister. Long story short, I believe you are my sister. My number is (404) *** - **** if you want, please call so I can explain all this and clear up any questions you may have.

I started to feel something but I couldn't distinguish whether it was happiness or sadness.

Happiness because if this is true that means I have a family, sadness because this could mean that I was abandoned while my sisters lived with our dad.

I would be jealous, but I couldn't find a reason to be. I don't know the entire story so until then happiness is the best option.

Growing up I never once attempted to seek out my parent's whereabouts. Not only would it have been difficult since I was left with zero information, but because I had my focus on other things. Setting up my future and success is what kept me busy.

I took my phone out of my pocket and typed in the number to call it. I checked the number three times to ensure it was correct before pressing the green button.

The phone rang twice before I heard a voice. "Hello?"

"Hi, I was wondering if this is Maisyn?"

"Um yes, this is she."

"Hi, I'm Xaelle."

"Oh shit!" the line went quiet, "I'm glad that you decided to call."

"Yes I'm a bit confused. I got your letter in the mail today."

"Right, ok so let me start from the beginning." I decided to sit on the couch since this sounded like it was going to take a while, "Out of curiosity I purchased a 23andMe test and I received my results about a week ago. There's a section of the results that show your family tree and anyone that shares dna with you. I saw your name and did some digging to find your address."

When she mentioned the dna test I remembered having to do it for a class a couple years ago. I thought it was stupid at the time, but now I'm glad I participated.

"I looked through social media first, but didn't find any unless I was looking wrong."

"No, I don't have any social media."

I never did get into social media. If I were to post a photo who was going to even see it? I had no friends and all I did was school and work. If I did go out it was to buy groceries.

"Yeah I had to pay someone to find you, but I'm glad I did."

"Me too."

We talked on the phone for a little while longer. We didn't talk about anything personal just about what we were currently doing in life.

I learned that Maisyn was a nail technician at a salon our oldest sister and her owned. I could tell she was a very social and friendly person.

"Ok so my true reason for contacting you, other than the obvious, is that I want to know if you can spend Christmas with us?"

I started thinking. Although I have nowhere to go I'm not sure if I'd be welcomed.

"You sure? You really don't have to invite me."

"I'm positive our dad has been looking for you ever since he found out about you. I know he'll be surprised."

"Ok I'll come. When should I get there?"

"Can you do Monday? I want to be able to spend a lot of time with you."

"Yeah I'll book a flight as soon as I find a hotel."

"If it's okay with you, you can stay with us. We have an extra bedroom in the house."

"You think that'll be fine with everyone?"

"Of course."

"Ok I'll let you know my flight details by tonight."

"Ok have a good night."

"You too."


Xaelle Miller
Grambling, LA
Monday, December 9
1:45 PM

I awoke this morning and immediately began packing. I finished about two hours ago and I straightened up the apartment before leaving.

I sat on the bench outside the complex and waited for my uber to take me to the airport.

I had trouble booking my flight because I couldn't find a direct flight to Atlanta from the Ruston Airport. The only flight I could catch was out of New Orleans so I'd have to take two planes to get to Atlanta.

I got into the airport just in time and immediately sat at the gate where my flight was. Shortly after, I boarded and got comfortable for the short flight.

I hadn't been on a plane before but traveling wasn't something I was new to. The long car drives to different foster homes was something I didn't miss.

Once I moved to my second and last plane I peered out the window and slowly drifted off.

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Edited 3/14/2021
857 Words

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