Chapter 16- Hidden in Plain Sight

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The late November air burned my cheek as I stepped out of the castle and into the dimming night.

A figure tapped my shoulder, I had grown so used to it that I didn't even jump this time. I turned to see Draco, pointy and pale, yet stunningly himself.

I smiled, "I see you've shown up."

"Naturally," he replied with a grin, "I was technically the one who asked you."

I returned the small smile, "Yes, but I've taken the time to plan. This is a very rare occasion so don't forget it."

"You will never have to worry about that. The famous Harry Potter, taking me, a lowly commoner to... somewhere unknown."

I chuckled at his theatrics and started down the long steps to Hogsmede. "Yes, a commoner with hair gel more expensive than a Cleansweep."

He fell into step with me, our knuckles brushing. "To be fair, they are awful brooms."

"I suppose so, they work well enough though. Anyways hold on, we've just gotten out of the wards enough and I don't want you splinching."

He grabbed onto my hand and bicep, maybe a bit tighter than necessary. "You know, that might be awfully romantic. You crack away and leave-."

I apparated, the darkness consuming his words.


When our feet his solid ground I was able to fully take in where we landed.

"You wanted to see Muggle London, well, here it is."

He stood in awe, his cheeks dusted rose and lips parted as his eyes scanned the buildings.

"I know it's no fancy restaurant or anything but-." He cut me off with a chaste kiss, nobody around us even looked.

"I love it here. Thank you," he squeezed my hand. "It's nice to be able to be with you and not have to worry. They hardly even care here."

"I suppose that's the glory of the city. They tend to be very progressive." He nodded in acknowledgement, but I'm not really sure he understood.

He turned around, "So, where to first?"

"Well, at first I thought you should see all of the landmarks and monuments in the area, but then I realized you wouldn't really care nor would you understand. Maybe some other visit. I want you to get a taste of muggle culture."

His brow furrowed, "That is the whole reason I wanted to come. It would be boring for you though."

"I've never been much farther than in my neighbourhood and school. Plus I'm here with you, it's never boring in my life."

He softened slightly, it was a beautiful sight. The sky was a murky grey, and the feel of people brushing my arms on the street made sure I knew I wasn't alone. It's times like these I really miss the ability to listen to my surroundings. My ears picked up a faint hum, but nothing more.

We walked down the side-streets, he was so caught up in the beauty of urban life that we didn't need to talk. Our silence said more than words ever could.

He yanked me to a stop and I could see why. His mouth had fallen open, "I didn't know muggles could build things like this without magic..."

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