Chapter 20- Catch and Release

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I had never wanted to stay in bed more than right now. Sadly, life is not so kind. 

I could tell it was earlier than usual when I woke up. The sun was barely over the Horizon, and the beds around me still had their curtains shut. Also-

Wait. If I can see the sun... then that means...

I sat, bolt upright, and looked out of the drapes I had forgotten to close the previous night. Draco, being the heaviest sleeper ever, just rolled closed and put his cheek on my thigh. I would have thought the notion sweet, had Ron not been staring me down the whole time. 

"Uhhhh... hi?" I waved cautiously, this was not going to end well. He was sitting cross-legged on his bed, stiff as a tree.  I wanted to have an actual conversation with him, but it was really hard to do that with a whole person clinging to you. Draco was going to freak if he found out about this. 

Slowly, I pried his arms off of my legs and tried to move so I was facing Ron. When I could finally turn towards him, he wasn't even looking at me. I noticed the faint flush to his cheeks, and my fists balled into the sheets. 

"So, I guess it's true then? You've just been keeping this from me?" His eyes darkened, and his body slouched. 

I shook my head, "It's not like that-"

"Then what is it like? For all, I know you just shagged in the fucking dorm room. My best friend is now hooking up with the worst person in school, and you just expect me to be ok with that?"

I don't even know what to say to that. I almost wish he hadn't been working on his sign language so much, that would have made this so much easier. "First of all we didn't shag in the dorm room, so you don't have to worry about that. Even though, you've brought Hermione in here more times than I can count. Why should this be different?"

"You know why it's different Harry!" There it was, an admittance of something he wouldn't have said in any normal situation. This was anything but normal. 

"NO  actually, I don't. Secondly, I am not just hooking up with someone. Draco's my boyfriend and you had better get used to it." I crossed my arms over my chest and heaved a heavy sigh. This was going nowhere. 

Ron quite visibly cringed, his emotions going haywire. His eyes locked to mine, showing an intensity I didn't know existed. "Fine then. If you want to continue to betray everyone who has shown you support, be my guest."

"If this is your reaction, then I'm not sure you ever actually supported me. Unconditional love is supposed to be just that, unconditional."

Ron stood and signed messily, "Is that what he does to you? Love you unconditionally? Well, don't come crying to me when he shows you those conditions." Shaking his head, he moved to the door. "When you're ready, Madam Pomphrey needs to see you." 

I could almost hear the door slam shut behind him. 

Something stirred beside me, and I looked down to see Draco's eyes flutter open. His cheeks flushed, and in an instant, he was sitting straight upright. He coughed, looked at me sideways, and then quickly averted his gaze.  

"...hello," Draco signed, a little too slowly. He struggled out of the bed, but his leg caught the covers and he fell to the ground. In end, he pulled everything off the bed. And by everything, I mean everything.

I rolled off the mattress, falling onto the person who had caused this mess. His face was an even brighter red, contrasting wonderfully with his pale complexion. I propped myself onto my elbows and stared down at him. 

"Like what you see then?" He mouthed, very clear within the close proximity.

I smirked, "Very." I leaned down as to kiss him, and in that slight moment of panic on his face, I couldn't help myself. 

I stood up, leaving him a flustered mess on the floor. "You are the biggest fucking tease I have ever met."

"And you aren't? Just payback from the library."

"Why you-!" I cut his words off with my hands over my eyes.

His hands found mine, pulling them away from their position. I peeked at him, "You really think you can just mess with me?"

He leaned in fast, capturing my mouth in his. I guess Madam Pomfrey will have to wait a bit.


I would like to clarify: My previous statements still stand, we did not have sex in the dorm room. Throughout this story, I'm afraid you will not read those scenes. Draco and I would prefer our private lives to stay just that, private. PSA over.

When we had reached the hospital wing, I couldn't help but wonder why we were called in the first place. If Madam Pomfrey had needed us, it seemed strange she had never done it before. 

Draco unlaced his hand from mine and pushed open the large double doors. The first thing I noticed was that the room was empty, save the nurse and Mr A. We approached them swiftly. 

"Boys thank you for coming so early in the morning," Mr A translated for us. We would have been earlier, but we were held up slightly. 

Draco sat on the bed nearby and patted the spot beside him. I settled in next to him. "Not a problem, but why did you need us so urgently?"

"Well, I suppose it would be easier if you read it yourself." And with that, he handed us a notebook.

And so, we read. 

(Sorry for the short upload. I didn't want this to be a part of another chapter, so if it feels like filler, I'm sorry.)

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