💕 Episode 3: Let the Games Begin Part 2! 💕

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Karen: Hello, everyone! Karen here, from the group of Wonder Prime.
Ciel: I am Ciel from Wonder Beauty Group.
Aguri: I'm Aguri. I'm from the Joyful Girls Squad.
Yayoi: I'm Yayoi. The Cutie Girls Squad is my team.
Komachi: Komachi here! I'm from Harmonic Team.
Akane: I'm Akane from the group of Angelic Team.
Makoto: I'm Makoto. My group name is the Go Cheerful Crew.
Towa: I'm Towa, one of the members of the Go Sweetie Crew.
Kurumi: I'm Kurumi, from the Infinity.
Akane: So, people, we must enjoy the party today.
Makoto: Yeah! Indeed! Also, we have a lot of friends joining with us today.
Aguri: We have to be serious when playing a game.
Karen, Ciel, Yayoi, Komachi, Akane, Makoto, Towa, and Kurumi: What?! Seriously?!
Karen: You're just pressuring others, Aguri.
Komachi: I agree with Karen. It's a bit harsh for us.
Kurumi: Yes! *hugs Karen* I hate it when someone speaks that way.
Yayoi: *while panicking* Stop it, stop it, stop it! Don't fight, okay? All of us must be friends here.
Towa: Competition must be having fun. Taking it seriously can be pressuring.
Ciel: You have a point there, Towa.
Yayoi: By the way, all of us here have a partner. Mine is Erika!
Towa: Megumi!
Komachi: Ichika!
Karen: Yuko!
Ciel: Nozomi!
Makoto: Aoi!
Kurumi: Ellen!
Akane: Mana!
*Aguri keep quiet*
Karen, Ciel, Yayoi, Komachi, Akane, Makoto, Towa, and Kurumi: Aguri?!
Aguri: Fine! I'll tell mine. *sighs* Hime!

Scene 1

*continuation of Episode 2*
*4 minutes later*
*Yuko, Hinata, Hibiki, Alice, Mirai, Hikaru, Nao, Mai, and Minami are on stage*
*Tsubomi, Madoka, Ruru, Kanade, Setsuna, Riko, Love, Urara, Hana, and Hikari*
Hikaru: *To the 54 cures* Hello, everyone! Today, the members without a partner from their own team will play a game.
Alice: Since majority of us picked the "Hot Potato" game, they must play that game.
Hibiki: Also, um...um... *To Yuko, Hinata, Alice, Mirai, Hikaru, Nao, Mai, and Minami* Who will say the mechanics of the game?
Minami: I thought you will tell them the mechanics, along with Yuko.
Hibiki: Right. Sorry! Hot potato is a party game that involves players gathering in a circle and tossing a small object such as a balloon or ball to each other while music plays.
Yuko: The player who is holding the object when the music stops is eliminated.
Hinata: That's right, Yukochi! *To Hikari* Hikari, can you move out from the game? The Infinity must only have one representative.
Hikari: Okay, okay, I'll move out and go back to my teammates. *goes back to the seat*
Hana: Bye, bye, Hikari!
Mirai: *To Tsubomi, Madoka, Ruru, Kanade, Setsuna, Riko, Love, Urara, and Hana* So, girls, better tell me the name of your group! *To Riko* Riko, you first!
Riko: Me?
Mirai: Yes!
Riko: Angelic Team!
Ruru: Joyful Girls Squad!
Setsuna: Harmonic Team!
Urara: Go Sweetie Crew!
Tsubomi: Wonder Prime!
Hana: Infinity!
Kanade: Cutie Girls Squad!
Love: Go Cheerful Crew!
Madoka: Wonder Beauty!
Nao: Okay, then! Are you ready to play?
Tsubomi, Madoka, Ruru, Kanade, Setsuna, Riko, Love, Urara, and Hana: Yes!
Mai: You guys must form a circle.
*Tsubomi, Madoka, Ruru, Kanade, Setsuna, Riko, Love, Urara, and Hana form a circle*
*Hibiki gives a ball to Kanade*
Hibiki: *To Kanade* Kanade, good luck!
Kanade: Thank you, Hibiki.
Hibiki: *To Ruru* Ruru, do your best! *goes to the stage*
Alice: *To Kanade* Kanade, give the ball to Tsubomi when the music starts. Tsubomi will pass it to Hana, and so forth.
Kanade: Okay!
Minami: *To the 46 Cures* Any supporters for each team?
Mana: *To Riko* Hooray, hooray, Riko!
Saaya: Go, go, Riko!
Kotoha: *To Ruru* Ruru, give your all!
Hime: Do your best, Ruru!
Iona: *To Setsuna* Setsuna, you must do your all!
Ichika: I hope you'll win the game, Setsuna!
Yukari: *To Urara* Urara, don't give up okay?!
Homare: Don't forget that we'll support you, Urara!
Haruka: *To Tsubomi* Go, Tsubomi! You can do it!
Karen: We'll support you, Tsubomi!
Ellen: *To Hana* Hana, we'll cheer for you!
Asumi: Hooray, hooray, Hana!
Emiru: *To Kanade* Kanade, do your very best!
Lala: Yes ~lun! We'll support you, Kanade ~lun!
Aoi: *To Love* Love, don't forget to do your best!
Saki: Aoi's right! Don't give up, Love!
Honoka: *To Madoka* Madoka, you must do your best!
Nozomi: Yes, Madoka! We will support you!
Yuko, Hinata, Hibiki, Alice, Mirai, Hikaru, Nao, Mai, and Minami: Let the game starts now!

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