💕 Episode 6: Separated in other Dimension Part 2! 💕

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Nagisa: Hey, hey! Nagisa here from the Wonder Prime.
Honoka: I'm Honoka from Wonder Beauty!
Hibiki: My name's Hibiki from the Joyful Girls Squad!
Alice: I'm Alice. The Cutie Girls Squad is my team.
Mirai: I'm Mirai. I am one of the members of the Harmonic Team.
Hikaru: I'm Hikaru, one of the Angelic Team representative.
Saki: Saki here, from the group of Go Cheerful Crew.
Mai: I'm Mai. My group's name is the Go Sweetie Crew.
Itsuki: I'm Itsuki, from the Infinity.
Mirai: Well, well, cheer up because we're having a party to celebrate.
Hibiki: That's right, people! Ha, ha!
Honoka: Anyways, I hope that the party is okay.
Nagisa, Hibiki, Alice, Mirai, Hikaru, Saki, Mai, and Itsuki: Yeah.
Itsuki: Positive, guys! The party is alright!
Hikaru: I agree with Itsuki!
Alice: Because as what everyone said, "the more, the merrier".
Nagisa: That's right, Alice!
Mai: Also, it would be nice if the fairies participate in our party, too.
Saki: Yeah, yeah!
Itsuki: Anyways, I'm gonna tell you my partner. Her name's Akira!
Mai: Yukari!
Alice: Emiru!
Saki: Rin!
Hikaru: Yuri!
Nagisa: Reika!
Honoka: Miyuki!
Hibiki: Miki!
Mirai: And Yuni! Ha, ha!

Scene 1

*continuation of Episode 5*
*10 minutes later in the Dimension One (Tundra)*
*The Polar Bear Monster chases after White, Princess, Grace, Milky, Ange, Pine, Egret, and Milky Rose who are running away from it*
Polar Bear Monster: You're not going anywhere!
Cure Princess: No, no, no, no, no!
Cure White: The Polar Bear's gonna eat us!
Cure Milky: This is so, so, scary!
Cure Pine: I hate this!
Cure Ange: Same here!
Milky Rose: We mustn't run away from the monster.
Cure Grace: Yes, but it came closer to us!
Cure Egret: We must call someone to help us!
White, Princess, Grace, Milky, Ange, Pine, Egret, and Rose: Heeeelp!
Muse, Ace, Cosmo, and Macaron: Take that! *kick the Polar Bear Monster*
*The monster knocks down*
*White, Princess, Grace, Milky, Ange, Pine, Egret, and Rose stop running*
Cure Ace: *To White, Princess, Grace, Milky, Ange, Pine, Egret, and Rose* Are you guys okay?
White, Princess, Grace, Milky, Ange, Pine, Egret, and Rose: Yes!
Cure Muse: Is no one hurt?
Cure Ange: No one, Muse. Thanks.
Cure Princess: *hugs Ace* Thanks to you, we're saved! You're my hero!
Grace, Pine, and Macaron: Heh!
Cure White: Oh, Princess.
Cure Cosmo: There's no time to hug yet. We're in the middle of the fight.
Cure Macaron: We must fight the monster!
Cure Flora: *To Happy, Miracle, Gelato, Sword, and Beat* Oh my goodness! What shall we do to the monster?
Cure Miracle: I don't know!
Cure Happy: Same here! This is so hard.
Cure Gelato: That monster is so strong.
Cure Sword: But defeating the monster is the only way to get out of here.
Cure Beat: If we don't beat it before New Year, we'll be trapped here forever.
*While in the Dimension Two (Desert)*
*Rosetta, Bloom, Lovely, and Sunshine use their shield to protect themselves from the Kangaroo Monster Attack*
Cure Sparkle: Huh?! Really?
Cure Fortune: Yes, Sparkle!
Cure Scarlet: And, trapping here forever means we no longer have a chance to see our friends and families.
*The Kangaroo Monster continue to smack the shield using its tail*
Cure Honey: This is so scarier than I thought.
Cure Felice: We must defeat the monster before this year ends.
Cure Moonlight: That's right!
*the shield begins to crack*
Cure Lovely: I can't hold much any longer.
Cure Sunshine: Same here!
Cure Rouge: We have to do something.
Cure Bloom: I guess someone must knock the monster down!
Cure Rosetta: If only someone can stun the monster.
Cure Star: *To Custard and Chocolat* Custard, Chocolat, can you distract the monster?
Cure Custard: But, Star, that Kangaroo Monster is way too strong.
Cure Chocolat: Yes! Can we beat that monster by just stunning them?
Cure Twinkle: I guess this is the only option.
*The Kangaroo Monster is about to smack the shield*
Cure Diamond: Look out!
*The 18 Cures dodge from the Kangaroo's attack*
Cure Macherie: *To the 17 Cures* Are you guys okay?
The 17 Cures: Yes!
Cure Aqua: We're fine, Macherie. Thanks!
Cure Macherie: Good to hear.
*While in the Dimension Three (Grassland)*
*The Lion Monster chases after Black, Parfait, Melody, Marine, Peace, Whip, Heart, and March who are running away from it*
Cure Black: The lion's gonna eat us!
Cure Peace: This is so scaaaary!
Cure Marine: Scary it is, Peace!
Cure Parfait: This is so bad!
Cure Melody: I can't take this anymore!
Cure Whip: It's coming towards us!
Cure Heart: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Beauty, Sunny, and Fontaine: Take thiiis! *kick the Lion Monster on the head*
The Lion Monster: Ouch!
*Black, Parfait, Melody, Marine, Peace, Whip, Heart, and March stop running*
Cure March: *To Beauty, Sunny, and Fontaine* Thank you for saving us.
Cure Sunny: It was nothing, March.
Cure Beauty: That's what friends are for.
Cure Fontaine: So, are you guys alright?
Black, Parfait, Melody, Marine, Peace, Whip, Heart, and March: Yes!
*Dream, Berry, Mint, Soleil, Etoile, Earth, and Mermaid arrive*
Cure Berry: Thank good you're all here!
Cure Dream: We got reunited at last!
Cure Soleil: We were super worried.
Cure Etoile: Sorry if we're busy on something.
Cure Earth: I hope nothing's wrong here.
Cure Fontaine: We're good. Thanks, Earth.
Cure Mermaid: *To the 17 cures* How can we beat the Lion monster then?

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