Im Just A King Right? {Chapter 1}

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Kageyama has been feeling down lately. He hasn't had anyone to reach out to since the incident. He was framed for cheating on hinata. Everyone started to taunt him and hate on him. Everyone belittled him and made him feel so small.

Kageyama didn't know what to do, anytime he would go to practice he would be called "king" And other names as well as being insulted. No one gave him a break. Even hinata would randomly spike a ball at him causing him to come home with bruises. Everyone laughed, no one cared. They never cared, right?

November 2, 7:20am
Kageyamas Pov
I had woken up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. The clock read 7:20am, I sighed. "Another day of practice, another day of hell" I said to myself as I say up. I rubbed my eyes to help myself wake up more. There were bruises covering my arms and sides.

I lived alone with only the money mailed to me from my parents every month. No one was there for me. My parents didn't care for me so when my grandfather died they put me and miwa in a house alone with just enough food and clothes. After miwa turned 18 she left, she left me with nothing. She left me to fend for myself.

I always felt alone, no one was ever there. No one cared enough to see if I was ok. I mean who could blame them? I'm just a cold hearted cheater with no feelings at all. I looked back at the clock and it read 7:26am.

I decided to get up from my bed and head to my closet. I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom. It was colder than usual that day so I decided to wear a plain black hoodie with it. I went into the shower and when I got out I brushed my teeth and changed.

Skip to him heading out the door cause I'm ✨Lazy✨

I came out with my bag with the cold air blowing on my face. I walk out and do my morning jog to school. As I arrived to the gym I seen everyone with there own groups.

Tsukishma was with yamaguchi. Nishinoya, tanaka, and hinata was together. The forgotten trio was together. Kiyoko and yachi was together. And the 3rd years were all together. Then there's me, alone.

I walk in and all eyes go to me. "Are you just gonna stare at me? " I said rolling my eyes. "A cheater isn't able to talk! " Sugawara said with a slight salty tone. "I..Suga I don't think that was very nice.. " Asahi's smile turned into a frown. He looked nervous. "He's just a king! " Hinata said looking at me.

"Oh really? I'm just a king? Without me, this team. Would be trash. Without me, that quick attack would be shitty. But I'm just a king right? I'm just a heartless person with no feelings right? I'M JUST A CHEATER RIGHT? " I said in full anger looking at everyone.

"It's funny how you can believe one picture that was photoshopped. Also hinata, thank you for the bruises, and the rest of you. Thank you for making me feel worthless. I hope your happy" I grabbed myself and walked out.

3rd person Pov
"I-i gave him bruises?? " Hinata said in tears. "Y'all went way to far. Hell I wouldn't even go to this extent" Tsukishma said shaking his head in disappointment.

"I feel terrible... " Sugawara looked down disappointed in himself "Y-you made comments to! " Hinata said looking at tsukishma. "I swear your so fucking dense. All of you. Y'all can't just apologize huh? You have to push the blame on someone else because you can't build up the courage to say sorry? Where's the mean comments now? If you can tell someone to fucking die. You can apologize. Also hinata, I'm not the one making bruises now am I? I'm so done with this team.. " Tsukishma walked out as well.

Everyone was left in disappointment. "I'm such a bad person.. " Nishinoya was in tears. "I'm supposed to be an example, I messed everything up.. " Tanaka looked down. "I didn't know.. " Hinata said while hugging sugawara. "It's alright hinata" Sugawara said patting his back.

"This is what tsukishma was talking about. " Asahi said rolling his eyes. "W-what do you mean? " Yamaguchi looked puzzled. "Y'all don't get it do you? " Asahi scoffed.
I'll be posting chapter 2 later today. ❤

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