Im Just a King Right? {Chapter 6}

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(The following pictures at the end are not mine, they all are from Google. All credits to the original artist. This took me all day and just calculate the ages and blah blah so I just gave up and the timeline might make zero sense but I'm sick soooooooooo yaaa hope you enjoy this trash chapter)

8 years later
December 20, 2020

3rd Person POV
Over the years the team grew distant. They took there seperate ways and went in there own paths.

After several years of grieving the death of there friend, Shōyō Hinata. They learned to move on and focus on other things. Even though almost everyone had moved on, some has had a harder time coping with things...

After everyone had heard the news that Hinata had passed away due to suicide, some people took it harder than others. Natsu, kageyama, kenma, and sugawara took it the hardest.

It took everyone years to cope with the death and some still are grieving to this day, such as natsu. Nastu loved her brother very much, when she heard he had passed away she was heart broken. She was so sad, her only brother had died just like that.

She grew mad, she was hurt. She often got hot- tempered and got really snappy, her friends often ditched her because of this behavior. She would often cry all night waiting for her brother to come back.

She was in absolute denial, she couldn't believe her brother was dead. After everything that her and her brother have been through she couldn't bring herself to believe that her brother wasn't coming back.

Hinatas mother though tried everything she could to make natsu move on. But nothing worked. Natsu grew distant from everyone except kageyama, tsukishma, and kenma. Those 3 were the only ones that natsu would talk to.

Natsu wouldn't even talk to her own mother, she got colder. She wasn't the bubbly and happy natsu she was 8 years ago. She completely changed, now she's 17 years old. She is only in close contact with the tsukishmas (kageyama and tsukishma get married and have 2 kids), the kuroos (kuroo and kenma get married and have 4 kids).
Now let me introduce the kids. There are 17 kids in total.

TSUKIKAGE (2 kids)

Yuna Tsukishma, she is on the karasuno girls volleyball team and just like her dad she is a middle blocker

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Yuna Tsukishma, she is on the karasuno girls volleyball team and just like her dad she is a middle blocker. She is 15 years old turning 16 and is Libra. Her and her dad share many of the same personalities but she's slightly sassier and isn't scared to speak her mind. She isn't the easiest to get along with but once you know her she's a total sweet heart.

 She isn't the easiest to get along with but once you know her she's a total sweet heart

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