Im Just a King Right? {Chapter 5}

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*TW WARNING!!* This chapter will contain suicide, blood, dark thoughts, gore, and graphic descriptions of death, etc. If this triggers you in any way I would not recommend you read this. Again this is just a warning! Hope you like it.
3rd person Pov
Kageyama fell to his knees, "no.. No.. NO! " Kageyama repeated. There he was, laying on the floor with a pool of blood all around him. Hinata was laying on the cold wooden floor with a knife in hand with a slit throat. He had dried stained tears on his face, his skin was as cold as ice.

He looked pale, his warmth in his face soon turned into dark greys and blues. Tsukishma was hugging kageyama as they were on the floor. Tsukishma holding back tears while is crying into his shirt. The other walked in and dropped everything in hand. They all broke down crying.

"CALL THE AMBULANCE!! " Sugawara was panicking and almost close to a panic attack. Everyone was crying, yamaguchi was laying against the wall crying while hugging his knees, nishinoya was crying loudly while asahi hugged him, tanaka tried really hard to not cry but failed, ennoshita and the other 2 was comforting each other, daichi was comforting suga.

Everyone was crying. Kageyama walked over to hinata that had dried blood on his neck and clothes. "Hinata... Stupid! What the hell were you thinking?! No.. " Kageyama just looked at the orange haired boy that was laying on the floor. Kageyama then seen a box that was labeled "memories of kageyama".

Kageyama had took the box and put it in his bag knowing he wouldn't get it back if the police found it. " I can't.. I can't handle this... " Yamaguchi said while running out.
The police and paramedics had arrived and hinata was pronounced dead at the scene. It was a very, very tragic sight. There was blood all around the boy, there was blood all on his clothes, face, and hands. His eyes looked sunken in, his faced looked so pale almost a grey color.

The paramedics rolled him out on a stretcher into the ambulance. "I'm sorry for your loss.. " One of the paramedics said the group of boys. Even though kageyama knee hinata was dead and or not going to make it if he was alive just cried 10x harder.

Tsukishma pulled the setter into a hug. "Shh.. He's in a better place.. " Tsukishma would be lying if he said he wasn't crying. Well he was crying on the inside, it was up until he seen kageyama break down like he did when he started crying.

"I.. I should have.. I should have talked things out.. Maybe if I just cleared things up? If I talked everything out he wouldn't have felt like this.. I'm a bad friend... It should be me.. Not him.. WHY? "

Kageyama stutterd through sentences trying to talk but it was muffled with his cries. His eyes burned and his head started to ache because of the crying but he couldn't stop, it was almost like a waterfall, a waterfall of never ending tears.

"It's not your fault! Don't think like that! We.. We have to be strong.. It's no ones fault so don't take the blame! He's in a better place.. " Tsukishma said these things trying to calm kageyama down while crying himself.
After everyone had calmed down they all went home. Kageyama had sat in the bed he and tsukishma had shared. On the verge of tears he took our the box he had took from the gym. Tsukishma was out buying whatever leaving kageyama home alone.

Kageyama had opened the box and was met with a note and a stack of pictures. The note had read:

To whomever reading this,
    You have found this box filled with pictures of me and kageyama, you also have found out that I have took my life. I'm sorry I had to end it this way, I'm sorry you had to see me this way, I'm sorry about everything. I've been dealing with a lot.. Guilt, hurt, constant dark thoughts, regret, etc. I'm sorry kageyama if your reading this, I'm sorry I did those horrible things to you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry you had to deal with this and I was just making it worse. I'm sorry.. I really am. I know it's selfish to deal with my pain this way because I couldn't get the courage to talk to you 1 on 1 but maybe now you can forgive me? I just want you to know I love you.. I love you so much.. I was always jealous of you and tsukishmas relationship.. He makes you happy which makes you happy, he gives you the love u couldn't. He makes you feel special, he makes you feel loved. He gives you the love and attention I couldn't give you. Please don't bottle up your emotions and take your life like I did.. Don't do the stupid decision I did, look how you feel. Imagine how others would feel.. I know that's hypocritical of me to say since I should be using my own words but.. I just can't take it anymore, I can't move on, I can't... I just can't.. Remember your loved... Remember people care.. Remember through all the rainy and stormy days theres always a sunny day.. Please move on.. Be happy, be your best, do your best, be the person I know you can be. Love yourself, learn to trust and love. It's gonna be okay. Tell sugawara he is the best team mom and best friend I could ever ask for, tell nishinoya and tanaka that there the best senpais, tell asahi that he can do anything and he is more than just a ace, tell daichi that he's the best captain ever, tell yamaguchi to never give up and stay determined, tell the forgotten trio that they will always be loved and people do appreciate them, tell tsukishma that he may be salty but I respect him and he is a great middle blocker and teammate, and kageyama.. Your the best boyfriend and friend I could ever ask for.. Your my only will to live. So im saying this now, Never. Give. Up. My time has come, goodbye..
                                                Love, Hinata

Kageyama had tears running down his face, memories of him and kageyama had resurfaced and the happy moments and the dark moments has flashed before his eyes. "I forgive you.. " Kageyama had said looking up to the sky which was his ceiling while the tears ran down his face onto the note that he held in his hand.

Putting the note down he seen multiple pictures that had writings in the back of them. One of them was a picture of natsu, kageyama, and hinata. The 3 was eating ice cream and smiling, they are having a great time which made kageyama smile.

"I'll move on.. I'm ready" Kageyama wiped his tears and out the note and pictures back in the box and sat the box back in the bag on time because tsukishma had came back.

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