Im Just a King Right? {Chapter 3}

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3rd Person Pov
December 3, 6:20am

Kageyama has been staying with tsukishma for a few weeks. He has already gotten used to staying at tsukishmas house. Tsukishmas mother was very welcoming and nice. She treated kageyama like her own son which made kageyama really happy.

There were some days where kageyama was really down and just needed someone to cry on or to talk to. Tsukishma helped the setter every step of the way. Kageyama started to feel different to the blonde.

He started to blush when the blonde would smile or laugh. Kageyama started to trust the blonde more and more everyday. Kageyama got comfortable enough to talk about his past and his troubles that happened with his grandfather and in middle school. Tsukishma comforted him and made him feel that he was loved.

Tsukishma did his best to make kageyama happy. He did his best to help kageyama through his dark time. Kageyama was very grateful of all of this. But through all of this the 2 grew closer to each other. They grew so close that they developed feelings for each other.

They would hold hands, hug, tsukishma would kiss kageyamas head when he would wake up or when the setter was feeling stressed.

School was out that day so tsukishma took that to spend time with the setter. Tsukishma had woken up to kageyama cuddled into his chest with a slight snore. It was early so tsukishma yawned and rolled over back to sleep. This will continue off and on for 6 times until tsukishma finally decided to wake up and be productive (can't relate).


Tsukishma had woken up due to not being able to sleep anymore. It was cold and while rubbing his eyes his face felt cold as well.

He looked down to see a sleeping kageyama next to him. He looked cold as well due to his nose being red and his skin feeling cold as well.

To keep warm tsukishma decided to stay in bed and cuddle to setter. Kageyama hadn't woken up yet so tsukishma stayed next to the setter so he could rest well.

Since I'm lazy and I need to get this chapter out let's skip to them walking to school, btw nishinoya, daichi, yamaguchi, and tanaka have apologized to kageyama.

While walking to school kageyama noticed a orange haired boy with a small orange haired girl. "Bye Nastu!" Hinata had hugged Nastu. "Bye!! " Natsu had a bright smile on her face. Then she seen kageyama, "Kageyama nii-chan!! " Natsu ran up to kageyama and hugged him.

Hinata looked back and the 2 locked eyes, hinatas smile was soon swept off his face and tears threatened to fall. Hinata soon ran off. "Nii-chan? " Natsu broke kageyama out of his thoughts. "Oh hi natsu" Kageyama had said with a faint smile that screamed "fuck my life".

Tsukishma was observing everything staying quite since he never met natsu. " Who's this kageyama nii-chan? " Natsu pointed at the taller male with blonde hair. "Huh? " Tsukishma looked up from his phone sliding his headphones down his neck. "This is tsukishma, my friend" Kageyama hoped hinata had already told natsu they broke up.

"W-wait what?! " Natsu was shocked more than anything. "Why are you holding his hand? I-i thought you were dating hinata nii-chan.." Natsu looked sad that broke kageyamas heart. "Well.. We broke up a few months ago but don't worry you can talk to me whenever. " This made natsu happy, natsu really liked kageyama.

Natsu and kageyama had a great bond and natsu liked kageyama the best out of all of hinatas friends, sometimes when natsu was down and hinata was busy she would talk to kageyama. "YAY!! " Natsu's eyes lit up in excitement. "Now I gotta go to school, bye natsu".. " Byee kageyama nii-chan! "

They said there goodbyes and walked to school. As they got to the gym they seen something unexpected. Kageyama didn't know what to do. "What the hell.. " Tsukishma was in fear and shock. Tears formed in kageyamas eyes as he seen the most horrific thing he has ever seen.
This is mostly a filler chapter and a chapter I rushed to make since I haven't been posting lately. I've been really, really busy and I'm trying to put out new chapters but I have no time anymore. Hopefully over winter break I'll have enough time to make more chapters. Also question, what do you think kageyama and tsukishma saw as they walked in the gym? That's it!! ❤

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