Im Just a King Right? {Chapter 2}

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3rd Person POV
"W-what do you mean? " Hinata had tilted his head in confusion. "Y'all can't apologize. I mean you never cared at all. Hinata you gave him bruises. Suga you acted like he was an outcast even when he was still dating hinata. The rest of you were being complete jerks. Well everyone except ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita. Even tsukishma wasn't as bad as y'all. Yes he called him king but that was normal, y'all took it to a whole nother level. This is down right mean. At this point it's bullying. Unless you can genuinely apologize and not apologize because tsukishma said so. Then don't even think about talking or even looking at kageyama. No physical pain as well, I'm looking at you hinata. " Asahi had looked the rest than gazed at hinata with anger.

Asahi couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't sit back and watch them hurt kageyama. He couldn't be there shy one anymore, he had to step up since no one would. Well no one would except tsukishma. That was unexpected even for Asahi. Asahi sees the good in everyone and is able to read others from afar which no one really knows since they think Asahi is more of the shy type. Which he is but he can still remember every single detail of a person and read them like a book even at first glance.

He could tell kageyama wasn't the bad guy in this, neither was hinata but after weeks and months of bullying and the toxicity going around in the team, he had to say something and get everything back to the way it was.

"I.. " Sugawara actually couldn't say anything, he was speechless. Everyone was in fact. "Asahi is right. " Nishinoya spoke up. He wiped his tears and took a breathe.

"We were complete jerks and selfish. We didn't think about are consequences. If anything were the ones at fault here. Looking at it now, maybe kageyamas never even cheated. All this happened because of a photo that we didn't even take a closer look, we just immediately switched up and started hating without looking at the facts. I.. I have to apologize. I want to, I need to. I need to make things right between me and kageyama... I don't know about y'all, but I will apologize.. Ill take my leave. " Nishinoya had a soft smile with tears running down. He wipes his tears and walked out.
With Kageyama

"Gah what was I thinking? They don't care.. Who would? " It felt like kageyama was walk for hours. Kageyama couldn't walk anymore so I looked around for a bench and sat down. "I can't.. I can't take this anymore.. Im tired.. " Kageyama had broke down crying. Warm tears streamed down his face.

"Never thought I would see the king cry like this. Guess there is a first for everything" Tsukishma said sliding his headphones down to his neck. "H-huh? What are you doing here?! " Kageyama looked up while wiping his tears. "Well I was going for a little walk to get away from the toxic energy in this gym. Most likely Asahi is yelling at them. Finally there getting put in there place" Tsukishma was angry, no he was furious. He hated the way the others treated kageyama but he couldn't show or express that anger.

"W-why would you care anyway.. " Kageyama clearly was happy tsukishma finally cared but of course he could never show his true feelings, scared. He was scared tsukishma would leave just like the others did to him. The team switched up, his own boyfriend treated him like an unwanted toy, his own parents and sister left him, his grandfather had passed away so he was truly alone. He had no one. Rumors spreaded like wild fire so other schools hated him as well.

"Well, there actions are way beyond me. I wouldn't even go to those levels. But of course there own anger took over. That also doesn't mean I'm worried. " Tsukishma looked at kageyama. Kageyama was taken back by the final words that left the blondes mouth. "I- what?? " Kageyama was more shocked than anything. He didn't know how to feel. "You heard me. I guess there's no point in hiding it. " Tsukishma sat down next to the setter.

"Now do you want to sit here and cry about how terrible your life is, or do you want to take charge and take a new path. I know it unexpected for me to do this but, stay with me. " Tsukishma said putting a hand on the setters shoulder.

"W-what? What do you mean? " Kageyama looked up at the blonde. Tsukishma was looking straight. "Well, you don't have anyone. You can stay with me. Unless you want to continue living on your own. " Tsukishma looked at the setter that was in shock and confused. After deep thought kageyama decided on a decision.

"I'll stay with you.. " Kageyama looked at the ground not wanting to make eye contact. "Ok then, let's go king. " Tsukishma sat up. "Take my hand. " Tsukishma then put out a hand. "Ok.. " Kageyama then grabbed tsukishmas hand and sat up.
For 2 weeks kageyama has been staying at tsukishmas house. Nishinoya had apologized to kageyama while the rest just stayed quite when kageyama would walk in. No one knew how they should apologize and didn't know if they even were able to apologize after everything they put kageyama through.
Should the team be forgiven? (Also Asahi, tsukishma, narita, ennoshita, kinoshita, nishinoya have either apologized or didn't do anything wrong.)

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