Did I Forget to Mention I have A Vampire Boyfriend?

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Christina's POV

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP!!!!" My best friend, Keri, yelled, really loud.

"Oh just shut up!!" I said trying to yell over, while pushing her off the bed. She landed on the floor with a thud. I looked up at my alarm clock to find that it is 7:54.

 "HOLY SHIT" I could disturb china considering how loud i am.

"It's fucking 7:54!!"


"IT'S MY HOUSE NOT YOURS! SO SHUT YOUR STINKIN PIE WHOLE BEFORE WERE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" I yelled jumping out of bed and running over to my pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans and a bright orange strapless shirt. And doing a quick brush through my hair.

"oh ya that" Keri mumbled grabing our bags.

"I CALL SHOTGUN!!" Keri yelled.

"OH COME WERE NOT EVEN OUTSIDE YET!!! And DUH! Of course you get shotgun im driving!"

"Ummm. You may want to rain check that" Keri said. I looked over to were she was pointing. Great, just grrrreaet. What is he doing here?

"Don't do anything stupid or I will be forced to release my innner ninja on you!!" I screamed at him. Keri could'nt help bursting into laughter.

"What? I have mad ninja skills!!!" That just made Keri laugh even harder. Clutching her sides from laughing so hard. And almost on the ground.

"Okay maybe there not that good. BUT ATLEAST I HAVE NINJA SKILLS!!"

"Now that your done laughing, What are you doing here James?" I said pointing my finger at him. James lives right across the street from me. Litteraly. This day is starting out great, really it is. Note the sarcasm.

"I came here to catch a ride" He said

"What's wrong with your car" I said stepping closer to him so i could jab him with my finger.

"Ya, umm, about that. I kinda went to this party, and I kinda-"

"Get in" I said cutting him off not wanting to here the rest. He  pulled me into a quick hug and thanked for letting him ride with us.

"I call shotg-"

"NOT ANYMORE!!!" James yelled hopping in the front.


"SUCK IT!!" He yelled at her as she got in. Once we were all in the car James turned up the sterio really loud. Teenage Dream started play and Keri cheered right.

"OMG this is my favorite song by Katy Perry!” She squealed. Wich was a bad idea. James changed the song so that Touchin On My by 30H!3 was playing.

James and I were the only ones singing. Keri was in the back pouting. Once the song ended i went back to Teenage dream so Keri would stop pouting. She sang every word to that song.

Once i pulled up to the school, we all got out. Keri and I walked to home room together. Since we have just about every class together. As soon as we sat down Mr. Fuge got everyones attention.

"We have a new student joining us today-Lance do you mind telling the others about yourself" Mr. F anounced.

"Naw I'm good"  Lance said.

"Kay then why dont you go sit. Christina do you mind showing Lance around?"

"Uh, ya, sure" After that Mr. F sat down at his desk. And Lance came and sat down in the seat next to me.

"Hey" He said breaking the silence between us.

"Hey. What’s  your schedule?" I asked Half curious and half so i could show him around. He took out his schedule and handed it to me. Holey  cheeze-its. We have the same exact schedule                  .

"Your lucky" i muttered so he wouldnt hear me. But i guess he heard me.


"we have the same exact scheduale. So now you get to hang out with me all day. Cause I am just that awesome" I said making a superman pose.

"OH PUH LEEZE! your not that awesome!" Keri said out of nowhere. I turned around slapping her arm.


"What" Lance asked confused.

"She thinks shes spider man" Keri explained to him.

"I DONT THINK I KNOW!!!" I yelled. standing on the desk spiderman style. The bell started to ring before i could unleash my full on spiderman powers on them. Am I forgeting something? Oh ya!

"Lance his is my bestest buddie Keri" I said.

"Hey"Keri said

"Hey" Lance.


"Bye?"lance said confused as she walked away.

"She has a differnt class than we do right now" I explained to him giving him a little smile. I then grabbed his hand and started pulling him to class before the bell could ring. I pulled him into the seat next to me so he would sit next me. During class we talked, well mostly Lance did, about ourselves. I learned that he lives by himself. And his parents were killed last year.

The rest of the classes pretty much were the same. I now know that his favorite sport is soccer he likes the color purple, favorite song is dirty picture by tio cruz and kesha. We probobly know enough stuff about eachother that it seems like we couldve known eachother for years. we swapped numbers and i set my ringtone for the star wars theme song.

THe bell rings signalling the end of class and the beggining of lunch. Lance sat with me in lunch.and after lunch we stopped by our lockers wich happen to be right next to each other.



"wanna hang out after school sometime?"

"Is some on asking Christina out?"

"Maybye" He muttered under his breath, but i could still here it.


"cool pick you up at seven?"


The rest of the day went pretty much the same as it did this morning. We played 20 quistions, hang man, And talked in different accsents. I even talked to a teacher in a scottish accsent.

Once school was out, we met the others at the car.

"Hey guys! this is Lance" I said, introducing him.

"Lance this is James, and Cam, he's gay by the way, and you already met Keri"

"Ya shes been hogging him all day" Keri said. I slapped her arm. "How do you know if i wanted to flirt with him or not?" She added. I slapped her agian.

"Too late for that" I told her with a smile. "Now she’s going to kill me"  I muttered under my breath.

"Well we gotta get going. Bye" I said to Lance giving him a hug. James gave out a low whistle. I gave him the bird, and told everyone to get in the car.

The car ride home was quiet. The sound of our breathing and the music were the only noise in the car. Keri didn’t even sing along when teenage dream came on.

When i got home I threw my keys on the shelf and went to bed.

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