Chapter 5

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Mercedes finished making the bed in the spare room. "Done."

Puck had been watching her in confusion. "What's done?"

She jumped. "Noah! That's not funny!"

"I'm sorry, Baby." He sauntered over to embrace her.

"I'm sick of people sneaking up on me."

"Who's been scaring my baby?"

"Marcy." She groused. "All reunion long."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry."

She found herself being soothed. She began humming.

He found himself being soothed. He began moving.

Anna found them a few moments later. "I wish I had my camera."

Mercedes gave her a sour look at scaring her. "You're not nice, Missy."

Anna giggled. "Why are you changing the sheets in here?"

"How'd you know I changed the sheets?"

"Because they were white before and now they're purple."

"Marcy taught you how to be observant."

"She picks up on every detail."

Mercedes shook her head. "We've got to tell you something."

"We do?" Puck was confused.

"No, Noah. My siblings and I have something to tell the group."



"What is it?"

"We'll tell you at dinner."



He flinched. "Alright!"


Kurt and the girls gathered in his and Tina's apartment to take their tests. They hadn't taken one all summer long because they were never together. Now they were.

"Is all the pranking over?" Anna hoped.

Marcy tapped her nose.

Anna grumped at her.

Mercedes giggled as she hugged her girlfriend. "I'm sorry we stressed you out."

"You really did." Rachel pouted.

"You're okay." Quinn smirked.

"I'm not!" Kurt snapped. "I was out of the loop!"

"I wasn't going to pull you down to my level, Kurt." Marcy checked her phone.

"I'd love to be on your level, Little Diva."

She gave him a look that had him speechless and Ellen upset.

Quinn and Karou high-fived.

"When does Paris get here?" Mercedes rolled her eyes at their badness.

"Paris?" Tina piped up.

"Paris is moving here!" Karou cheered.

"She's getting in, in two days." Quinn reported.

"She's staying with Indy." Marcy added as she typed on her phone.

"Who is that?" Ellen pointed.

"Who would it be?"

"Is it Mal?"

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