Chapter 7

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"How about an indoor circus with no clowns?" Marcy thought up.

"Mally does love the circus." Mal admitted.

"Yay." Ellen was pumped. "They're having a circus party."

Marcy nodded and began making notes on everything they'd need. "We need to think of a big present for both."

Mal ate an orange segment as he thought. "I don't know. What do they really want?"

"Mickey wants a live bear." Ellen frowned.

"What?" Mal was too confused.

"It's some stupid Masha and Bear show or something." Marcy frowned as she worked. "Some blonde girl has a bear as a friend. It's stupid."

Mal was still bemused but shook his head, concentrating on his lunch. "Okay. We can't fit a live bear in the apartment."

"Mal!" Ellen was thrown. "You'd buy Mickey a bear if we could fit one inside the apartment?!"

"Whatever my baby wants."

She gave him a flat look.

"He's just insuring someone looks after him when he gets old." Marcy muttered.

Ellen had no idea what to say to that.

"You're not gon take care of me, baby?" Mal pouted.

"Hell no. What I look like taking care of your ass when I'm older than you?" Marcy could feel hunger pains so she picked up an apple slice from her lunch and ate it.

He grumped at her. "I'd take care of you."

"I don't need you. I've got Mally."

"What about Elle?"

She lifted a brow.

"Our next baby will be a boy so he can take care of my Elle."

Ellen looked at Marcy, who continued to write. Keeping this secret was killing her. Suddenly Marcy looked up and Ellen knew she had to keep it or Marcy would be the one to kill her.


The twins' birthday went off fantastically. Both had an amazing time turning three and their class instantly crowned them the most popular.

Quinn was so proud.


Tina was so wrapped up in work and school, she sort of forgot her birthday. She remembered halfway throughout the day when she realized no one had wished her a happy day.

She wanted to demand answers but she knew her friends were very busy and might not get back to her.

So she went about her day and tried not to let on how hurt she was.


Tina crawled into the apartment at seven forty five and went to run herself a bath.

Mike burst in halfway through. "Hey, babe!"

She screamed, having been terrified. "Mike!"

"Ooh! Look at you!" He sauntered over.

She blushed. "Stop it!"

"But you're so pink!"

She couldn't stand his horny self. She laughed. "Get out!"

"But I wanna get in."

She turned nearly purple. "Mike..."

He chuckled darkly.

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