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ok so it the date above and my stupid summer cold is still going and i reacon its gonna  stuff me up major seeing its my last year of school and i honestly dont know what i want to do

 do you know some body whose like just says outaa nowhere cose convos going nowhere im awesome when trully you know there not  and they think way to high of themselves

well ive got a friend like that the go"im awesome" and im llike "no your not" and there like "yer im awesome and sexy" and im like"grr your not either" and in my mind im like so just shut the hell up i feel like getting a baseball bat and full on beating the hell outa my friend

they do it to me when im ever around that friend

is that friend worth having

also we used to do the same activity i got bored and quit my friend got annoyed they would like promote him so he quit and he was like im gonna rebel and get my ears pierced 2 in each ear and grow my hair long for fuck sake he's male and he got his ears pierce 4 time that has got to be considered the gayest male thing every and he wears loops no even a flashy stud  also while growing his hair long he wanted it to look like morrissy  but fail so he got cut in a quif and thinks hes so awesome cause of the  ear piercing and the hair  if i could id throw up 

im a bitch i know also yesterday school caus today i got the day off not dealling with the heat and my summer cold  blondie got a new ipod 4gen touch and was playing smurf so she was like anya you can be funny smurf   and im was like booyah well atleast some one finds me funny im happy

oh yea i didnt like tap dogs was not wwhat i was expecting 


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