Chapter 1

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I look at myself in the full-length mirror. I still can't believe that I'm doing this. I never do anything like this, but I also can't say no to my mother.


I need to learn to tell my mother no going forward.

I sigh and adjust my bow tie until it is just right.

When is the last time that I have worn a black tuxedo? Oh, yeah. Last year, at the same charity event, when my mother told me that I had to go. Luckily last year, they didn't have this silly auction. Whoever came up with this idea needs to be slapped. I wonder who else is going to be auctioned off.

Oh, no. Who is going to buy me?

At least when my mother tries to set me up on blind dates, I can say no, when I meet the girl. However, I don't have any say in who buys me for the weekend. Why couldn't they have just done a simple movie and a dinner date thing instead? Why did they have to go and do this weekend thing?

I run my hands down the front of my tuxedo.


There still has to be a way for me to get out of this.

Knock. Knock.


My heart slams hard in my chest, as I stand frozen in place, with a lump in my throat. I try to open my mouth, but nothing comes out. I glance towards the door through the mirror.

Maybe they will go away.

"Gulf! It is time baby. You are going to be up soon." My mom's voice slowly fills the small dressing room.


The door slowly opens, and my mom walks in. As soon as her eyes lands on me, a huge smile appears on her face.

"Gulf, we need to go. Come on."

Unable to say anything, I just stare at her, while my mind is still trying to think of some way to get out of this. There has to be something that I can do.

I watch as my mom gently grabs my wrist. As she pulls me out of the room, she coos, "Son, it is going to be all right. I won't let any crazy person buy you. Everyone here are very reputable people besides being wealthy."

My mom continues to talk about how safe this is, but I can't hear her. My mind is running through all the various possibilities where I end up with some really old woman, who wants to only have me stay in the room for the entire weekend while she tries to do unthinkable things to me. Or maybe it is some old man.

Ugh... I don't even want to think about that.

No. It can't be some old dude.


I silently follow my mom as she pulls through the short hallway to the backstage. My mother stops just off stage with us hidden behind the curtains, I glance through the opening in the curtains across the stage towards the previously auctioned men.


I'm the only one who is in a tuxedo. Damn.

The other men are in suits, except for one teenage boy, who is in designer jeans and a nice shirt.

Man, I wish that I could wear that, instead I'm in this freaking tuxedo.

I glance at the tall brown haired man in front of me, who is wearing a simple suit. I hesitantly look at him from head to toe, before I lean forward and peak around the curtain again and scan the auditorium.

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