Chapter 3

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Gulf stands frozen in the middle of the 'room'. It isn't exactly a room, but the living room of a little cottage, which has plenty of rooms. However, it only has one bedroom.

This isn't what he is expecting. He thought that there would be two bedrooms or at least two beds, but no. There is only one bedroom and one bed.

Gulf's eyes don't move from the bedroom, which is in front of him.

Mew walks past him and chuckles. "What is wrong with you? This is more than what I expected. I was thinking that the 'room' was going to be a hotel room, instead of this cottage."

With Gulf's eye locked on the bedroom and the single large king size bed, he huffs, "But there is only one bed! You are going to have to sleep on the couch. I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you."

Mew smirks and walks into the kitchen. "No one said that I had to sleep on a couch. I believe that I paid for the weekend and that means that I'm paying to sleep in the bed."

Gulf slowly shakes his head. "No. We aren't sleeping on the same bed."

Mew grabs a glass from the cupboard and walks to the refrigerator. "Then you can sleep on the couch." He opens the refrigerator and pours himself some juice. When he closes the refrigerator door, he turns around and looks at Gulf.

Mew holds the glass in front of his face and hides his smirk.

Gulf stomps his foot and screams, "UGH!!! I HATE THIS!!!"

Mew holds back his chuckles and drinks some juice. He watches Gulf, as Gulf storms into the bedroom, and screams again. "SHIT! MY MOM DID BRING MY BAGS HERE!"

Mew walks to the bedroom and peaks into the room. "Hmm. Were you thinking that your mom didn't bring you anything? What would you have done then? Walk around in a bathrobe all weekend? Well, to be honest, I wouldn't mind that."


Chuckling, Mew turns around and walks back into the living room.


Gulf plops down on the couch and crosses his arms over his chest. "What am I supposed to do all weekend? This is so boring."

Mew walks out of the bedroom and stops in the doorway. He leans against the doorframe and puts his hands in his pockets. "Do you want to go and walk around the resort?  I only came for the charity event."

Gulf sighs and glances at Mew, before he huffs, "I guess. There isn't anything to do in here."

Gulf pushes himself off the couch and heads for the door. "Don't expect me to be your guide either. I have only come here a couple times for my mom's charity events, but I usually leave as soon as the event is done."

Mew smiles and follows Gulf out of the cottage.


Gulf collapses on the couch and glances towards Mew. "Hey, I didn't know that there is this much to do here. I guess I should have tried to stay and look around before when my mom dragged me here. I was only wanting to get back home and to hang out with my friends."

Mew walks towards the kitchen and nods his head. "Yeah, I know."

Gulf tilts his head and sits up a little. "How do you know? Have you been here before?"

Mew shrugs his shoulders and walks into the kitchen.

Gulf quickly gets up off the couch and goes to the kitchen. "I don't remember seeing you here before. Well, I usually wasn't paying attention, but I'm sure that I would remember if I saw you before."

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