Chapter 4

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Oh, my head is throbbing. I knew I shouldn't have drunk that much last night.

Last night. SHIT.

Mew told me that he would have gone even higher if someone tried to outbid him. He wasn't going to let anyone else have the weekend with me. No matter what.

I was too shocked and didn't know what to do, so I kept drinking beer. How many bottles did I drink? Dang it. I can't even remember.

This is bad.

I try to move and open my eyes, but I quickly stop and shut my eyes.

"Ugh... My head...."

Something across my stomach moves.

My breath hitches and I want to open my eyes, but then again, I don't. Please tell me that that isn't what I think it is.

Warm air cascades against my ear and down my neck. "Is your head hurting that bad?"


I slowly open my eyes and turn my head. Mew's sleepy face comes into view. Any other time, I would laugh at his bedhead, but this isn't the time for that right now.

How did we end up in bed together? There was no way that I was going to sleep next to him in the same bed.

Mew blinks a couple times before he moves a little to look at me. As he moves, the blanket slides down his body and his bare chest comes into view.

What the heck?

Mew takes his arm off my stomach and then touches my forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever. It looks just like a hangover. However, your face is really red. Are you sure that you aren't sick too?"

This can't be happening. Why can't the floor open up right now and swallow me whole?

I slowly shake my head slightly. "No. It is just a hangover. How much did I drink?"

Mew smiles. "Too much."

He tosses back the sheets and gets up and walks to the bathroom while only wearing his boxers.

My eyes never once leave his body as his muscles flex with each step. I could get used to waking up to seeing that every day.

Wait. What am I saying?

I quickly close my eyes and rest my head back on my pillow.

I'm definitely going to make sure that I don't sleep on the bed with him tonight. Even though I don't want to sleep on the couch, I'm going to just so we are sleeping in separate rooms.

What would my mother say if she knew that I slept in the same bed with him?

I flop my arm across my eyelids and sigh.

I only have one more night and two days before I can leave and go home.

Wait. How am I getting home? I never even bothered to ask my mom. I'm sure that she is coming back to get me, right.

The bed dips, and Mew softly chimes, "Here, take some pain medicine. Hopefully, you will start to feel better soon."

I slowly take my arm off my face and open my eyes. I take the pills from Mew's hand and toss them into my mouth before I wash them down with the water.

Mew takes back the glass of water. "Why don't you rest for a bit more? Maybe by lunch, you will start to feel better and we can go out and do something."

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