Chapter 6

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It is so warm. I snuggle into the warmth.

This is nice. I wish I could wake up like this every day.

Something that is draped across my waist slowly begins to move.


NOT AGAIN! Can't I fall asleep and not end up in bed with Mew?

I slowly open my eyes and Mew's sleeping face instantly comes into view. However, I don't pull away. Instead, I continue to just stare at him.

I don't know if I'll ever see him again after this weekend, but I'm hoping that I do. After answering all those questions last night, I get this feeling that Mew is around me all the time, but I just haven't seen him. Well, I do see plenty of people every day, but I don't truly see them. After years of people coming after me only because of my family's status and wealth, which isn't really that much compared to others, I have stopped acknowledging people. The less opportunity that I give people to get close to me, the fewer fake people I have around me.

I vowed many years ago to not have any fake people as friends. Up to now, I think I've accomplished my goal, but now, I have a nagging feeling that I have also pushed away or ignored some very nice honest people too. Mew being one of them.

While staring at Mew's face, I mentally make another vow. I will start looking and observing my surroundings more. Maybe then, I can see something or someone that I shouldn't be ignoring.

Mild will be so proud of me. He has been trying to get me to do this for years, but I wouldn't budge.

A soft snore breaks the silence.

I can't control the corners of my mouth as they slowly curl up.

My eyes slowly scan every inch of Mew's face trying to see if there is anything new that I haven't noticed before.

His long lender nose is perfect, just like his long dark lashes.

I fight back a chuckle as Mew softly smacks his lips in his sleep. My eyes are instantly drawn to them. I have never noticed before how luscious his lips are. Perfect.

I would love to spend more time just admiring him, but I can't. He fixed all the meals yesterday, so the least that I can do is fix breakfast this morning. I'm not a good cook, but I can make simple things.

I take one last glance at Mew's handsome face before sliding out of bed trying not to wake him.

I quickly take a bath and get ready for the day before I head into the kitchen to fix breakfast.

Okay. Maybe breakfast is too much for me.

"Ouch!" I yank my hand back as the grease continues to crackle and splatter. All I wanted to do is have some bacon with our breakfast, but it is so much harder than I thought. The first batch is completely burnt and the kitchen reeks of it, while the second batch is quickly going down the drain too.

"What are you trying to do? Burn down the cottage?"

Mew dashes into the kitchen and pushes me away from the stove as he turns the burner off. He quickly grabs a potholder and moves the pan off to the side.

For the first time since Friday night, Mew isn't greeting me with a smile. Instead, he flashes a scowl at me as he glances over his shoulder while trying to fix my mess.

I lower my head and step back while my chest suddenly tightens. I've made him mad.

"Answer me. What were you trying to do?"

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