chapter 8- Training

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"Hawks!! Come on!" Y/n yells chasing after the bird man

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"Hawks!! Come on!" Y/n yells chasing after the bird man. "Come on kid! I'm not even flying that fast. You have 3 days till the entrance exam so we're pushing you as hard as we can. Duh." Hawks says non-slantly. "It's fucking 7 am! You'll stop eventually!! Then I'll give you one hell of a panic attack!"

Y/n has been training with Hawks for about 10 months, same as Izuku with All Might. Expect a lot more McDonald runs. Hawks was a good teacher and had helped y/n get some muscles and some experience with weapons like knives, bows, and even guns. Y/n enjoyed knives the most thorough.

He also had recommended to talking to a specialist about something that could help with panic attacks while in battle. Y/n had discovered that aromatherapy had helped calm her down. So she keeps some essential oils with her when training. It helps and now she very rarely has panic attacks even while having multiple clones out.

Today Hawks was flying through the air while y/n was hopping building to building trying to catch up to him. A good exercise that usually was a calmer experience. But today they had already been running on buildings for an hour and y/n was getting tired.

Y/n speeds up and jumps off of a building and grabs Hawks by the foot and flips him on the building. Quickly taking out the capture tape she had and wrapping it around his legs and hands while he's pinned down. "Done!" Y/n says panting.

"G-good job kid. Now can ya untie me? Kinda not a comfortable position." Hawks says laying face first on the roof. "Nope. " Y/n says sitting on Hawks back. "Kid! It was just training! Just get off!!" Hawks says moving around trying to get free. "You know what I want!" Y/n says crossing her arms. "Fineeee- we can stop by a McDonald's or something on the way back to the agency."

"Yay!!" Y/n yells uniting Hawks.


"Hey, Hawks, I have a question." Y/n says as they both eat their McDonald's on one of the agency's couches. "Yeah what's up?" Hawks says eating a chicken nugget. "Do you think a quirkless person could be a hero? Do you think they'd have a shot?" Y/n says looking at a picture of y/n and Izuku as children on her phone.

"Hmmm. Well with proper training yeah." Hawks says before eating another nugget. "Really?" Y/n asks. "Well yeah. Think about it, you don't use your quirk unless you absolutely need to. And with your training you're still a pretty good catcher. Or maybe the number 4 hero is just slow idk." He says the last bit sarcastically.

"Hmm, your right. Hey, Hawks, I have a request."


"Y-you want me to watch you train!?" Izuku yells a little surprised. "Pleaseeee! I think you might gain some experience! I know you've been training, and we only have 2 days until the entrance exam, but I think it might benefit!" Y/n yells at Izuku as they exit the school.

"B-But I wouldn't want to bother Hawks. I'm sure you guys would do much better without me and *mutter* *mutter*" Izuku stops realizing something. 

"...can I ask Hawks about his quirk?" Izuku asks, kinda excited. "Pfft- yes you can. now meet me at Hawk's agency after your training! Try to make it quick! " Y/n says running off.


"Is this the right place? " Izuku asks himself looking at the building. he walks into the agency and heading for the elevator, clicking the top floor button.  "Hawks! I bought that for me! " Y/n yells on the roof as the elevator opens revealing a surprised deku. "Well kid that's just how the cookie crumbles." Hawks says drinking the last bit of the milkshake y/n bought.

"Kid- Oh shit!" Hawks says as he sees a clone start chasing after him as he quickly flies away. "uhhhhhh, hey koemi."  Izuku says walking up to Y/n. "Hey deku!" Y/n says before making her clone disappear and jumping on Hawks pinning him down. "So you ready to watch me train?" Y/n says as she sits on top of Hawks back. "Y-yeah I am! It's nice to meet you Hawks! Later if you don't mind I'd like to ask about your quirk!" Izuku says quickly. "Yep nice to meet you too. Now get off!"

"nah. It's fun to watch you struggle."


After 5 minutes y/n got off and they started training mostly close combat without y/n's quirk. Deku watched and took notes as they fought. It was interesting to see y/n's fighting style. She was a good strategist and only once the whole day was she not able to catch Hawks. She was impressive to say the least.

After a while Hawks and y/n helped Izuku work a little on punching and kicking. Y/n mostly kicking. She was good with her feet and Hawks even said it looked like she was dancing when she was fighting sometimes. (flashbacks to Izuku doing pirouettes mid fight)

As the sun started to go down Izuku and y/n headed home.

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