Just another kinda poem

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People say we will all die,
That time will claim us all.
But sometimes that not that case,
Sometimes it's not time that claims us.

Whether it be people or pets,
Places or spaces.
Our time in this world is limited.

Death should not be feared,
Life should not be taken and wasted.
You may be young and may still have time,
Or be old and have lived a long life.

Whatever your age,
Wherever you lay.
We are all here together,
Where person to person we stay.

Or fast.
Here we may be,
For the time that we are alive.

We may be here,
And then may be gone.
May it be out of our will,
Or our control.

Its hard to loose others,
And others will loose us.
When time and time comes along.

We should not fear, cower or ignore.
But aknolwedge that one day death will come along.

Not to be focused on,
But to realise that while we breathe the breath of life,
Every second should be worth the time.

Our choices are what makes us,
We learn from our mistakes.
In a world where things may be destroyed,
But even more beautiful things can be made.

Life is precious,
It has its limits.
So we must cherish it,

Every second we live.

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