Pink Of The Sky

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Moving off the bed in one swift moment, she pushed open the curtains, the sound of metal on metal feeding into her ears. The sky had turned pink, clouds coated over like a blanket, wild plants radiated colour and bloom. An evening like this would call for celebration, a crowd already forming along the streets, people dancing in motion and play. An evening she had been keen to join in on multiple occasions before, but never able to. For she had been made for majority of her life to celebrate from the safety of her own home, and to ensure the safety of their Elder Fern.

Being a descendant of the Elders wasn't an easy task, involving intense studies and teachings. Of course she knew of the struggles of people who were forced to live on the streets, knew her life was better off but it still being the only one she knew. One she struggled with.

To find herself in the situation she was in, was another struggle. Attracting the attention of the Grand Rulers son was not something she intended to happen. Showing him an act of kindness was in her nature, saving his life was an honour. Though not having much power, the Elders worked with the Grand Rulers intently. Not doing what she could to help him would be to destroy the two bloods decades of trust.

Being invited to celebrate the festivities from within the palace walls, came as another unexpected event to her. Not being able to go out today, was especially disheartening, but she knew if she left Elder Fern alone after suffering a minor heart attack, would be to kick at his lowest. Turning her attention away from the window letf her gaze to the left of the room. Big pink eyes looked back from the standing mirror, shining ever so in the intensity of the atmosphere.

A puffy dress black dress with a skirt that always seemed to stay elevated had ascents of a deep purple. Shine from jews that seemed invisible against the fabric, swirls and patterns adding that little touch that made it so easy to stare. Just as black gloves reached her elbows and dark chestnut heel-boots made a tap every time her feet touched to floor.

She felt like weeping, tearing up the attire whole, feeling like a fool for thinking she'd be able to go. Settling down on the bed, she bent over to slip off her heels when a knock a the door was heard.

She chocked out after her words had being stuck in her thoughts.


Opening the door to a regal guard left her voice in her throat, silently hoping she had done nothing wrong. A faint welcome came from behind her, turining, she saw Elder Fern stumble across the room, only barely staying up beacuse of his wooden cane.

Turning back to the guards she excused herself, then ran over to her Elder. She grabbed his arm, assisting him upright and begging him onto the couch. After expressing her concern of sudden movements, someone at the door cleared their throat.

The assist of the upcoming ruler, the current Grand Rulers son, stepped forward. His gaze met hers, causing her to freeze. His eyes showed his authority and demanded your attention, while also being calm and beautiful. To her, and what she assumed to be other girls too, he was irresistible. His normal comander-like armour had been replaced with a high end suit and his hair blew in the slightest of wind. Delicate. Graceful.

And she was staring right at him. Someone of his status. Its not to say she wasn't slightly panicking at this thought

"I believe the Grand Rulers son has requested for your presence." He spoke, helpin her to snap away from hee thoughts.
"You certainly looked dressed for such an occasion."

She felt that of hope, being able to join in on celebration. Then in sudden hesitation, she turned to Elder Fern. Seeing the look on her face, the man at the door spoke up.

"I have already been told of the Elders condition, as such two of my men can assist in insuring his safety."

She looked back at him and two guards standing behind him. He was impressive, not only being a sight of beauty, but also directly assisting the Grand Rulers and being general of their regal guard.

Knowing full well what she wanted, she looked back at Elder Fern. She looked back at Elder Fern, into his eyes as if to ask him what he wanted. Weakly, he took her arm, shaking it ever so slightly now and then.

"Go off and have fun, don't let me hold you down any longer."

With his slight smile afterwards, he turned to the men standing at the door. He nodded his head and then came over two regal guards, waiting by his side ready and able to assist the Elder.

Moments later, just as she was heading out the front door she heard the old man speak up again.

"Take care of my granddaughter, she can be a real handful!"

He chuckled as she turned around and snapped back "Hey!" slightly flushed and embarrassed.

"Me and my men will Elder. And feel free to call me Vance, as a show of our two bloods bond." He bowed and shut the door behind him.

Outside four more regal guards waited, seemingly unmoving, for their special guest. Their gold, silver and smooth white gear twinkled and danced in the unnatural color of the sky around them. She noticed how her own dress shone just a little more when she was outside. Being outside on the evening of a pink sky was enchanting. Everything seems so much more alive, so much more beautiful.


The night of a pink sky was a special occasion. It marked the day that the kin of the Grand Ruler could finally have the freedom of walk amoust the people in the sanctuary. To be surrounded by followers and those of future responsibilities.

While walking she had found out from Vance that the Grand Rulers son had said he requested her as apart of their bloods trust. She thought that the excuse was fine, it seemed to work. Of course, she knew that he had been out of the palace walls before. That he had walked amongst the people he would one day rule. If he hadn't, didn't broken those rules, hadn't allowed her to save his life, she wouldn't be here, standing beside Vance and four of his men, outside the grand palace walls.

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