ch. 1

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4:19 pm

"Good job babe," Ellie high fived Dina as she addressed her, Dina smiled warmly as they walked up to Ellie's horse, shimmer. Casey, on the other hand, had resorted to pretending to throw up at their affection. "shut it," Ellie's face was straight as she mounted the horse, Dina following behind quietly with an eye roll. 

Casey had mounted her own horse, Oakley. "We have to get to that gate, can you two  manage to make it there without all of this extra stuff. "Only if she shuts up," Casey rode in front of them, making it to the gate before they managed to. 

"She is going to be the death of me, I swear." Ellie sighed as they approached the gate where Casey and Oakley were standing patiently. "Great to see you two finally showed." Casey rolled her eyes as Ellie went to the keypad whilst Dina went to do her own thing. As they continued through the gate, the found a building, a hotel more specifically. 

The building had a wall around the yard, one runner standing before the door. Ellie and Casey climbed a garbage can and over the wall. Ellie snuck up behind the runner before stabbing it with her pocket knife. "Impressive, for you." Casey winked at her, Ellie returned with an eye roll.

As they approached the door, Ellie turned to Casey. "You stay here, if I'm in trouble, help me," Casey nodded, lowering down and pulling out her pistol. She watched carefully as Ellie cleared out the room. Dina had somehow managed to sneak over the wall and crouch down beside Casey.

Tapping her shoulder gently Casey turned to see Dina. "Where's Ellie?" she asked, in a careful tone, Casey gestured to the inside of the lobby, "taking them out, told me to stay here" Dina nodded and snuck to the other side of the door, glancing in to see Ellie strangling the last of the runners, before moving to the middle to kill the clickers feasting on a WLF Soldier. 

Motioning for Casey and Dina to move forward, looking at the body the clickers were feasting on. "It's fresh. He's got one of those wolf patches." Ellie bent down to get a better look at the body. "So, they're called wolf's? Who are these people" Casey asked, although it wasn't really directed so anyone. "Worse fireflies?" Ellie answered, looking around. 

"You think they're fireflies? Thought they all died out." Casey looked to the side, noticing a door and making a b-line straight to it. "I don't think so," Ellie responded, glancing around once more. "Yeah, I suppose, if they were they would still have their whole firefly symbol. Hey guys, come check this out" Ellie and Casey could have their moments of bitterness, but in reality they made a good team. They needed to put aside the constant bickering and perhaps they would be perfect.

 Walking in, there was a pile of gas sitting right beside a set of stairs, "there's their gas" Ellie chuckled lightly as she began to climb the stairs, Casey and Dina following closely. Casey noticed a window, low enough to jump and not break a bone. "Hey I'm gonna go stand with the horses, tell me if you find anything interesting." She spoke quickly, before jumping out the window. 

5:28 pm

"Hey," Dina approached where Casey, shimmer and Oakley were stood, greeting Casey before mounting shimmer, Ellie following closely. They began to ride more up the rode, approaching another gate where Dina had jumped from the horse to punch in the code. She didn't know how Dina knew the code but she felt it better to keep quiet and not ask. 

They continued to ride through the town, sometimes diverting from their original path but mostly staying on route. The three eventually approached a wire, jumping over a loud explosion erupted, throwing Ellie and Dina off the horse. Casey, being last was thrown the other way, Oakley being stabbed by the wire and passed instantly. 

Casey lifted her head to find Ellie being hit over the head and Dina where to be seen? She had disappeared somewhere. She rushed to hide over by the small control place right beside the wire. As the man who had knocked out Ellie took her into the building, Dina had come out of hiding. 

She looked around nervously before grabbing her backpack. Casey snuck out from behind where she was hiding, "Dina! Hey-" "Where's Ellie." Her voice was laced with discomfort and worry, as Casey told her of Ellie's whereabouts, she began to walk toward the building. 

"Where- where are you going?" Casey asked, holding Dina's arm. "To go save her, wait outside the building, around the other side, we'll meet you there." Casey nodded as she began her treck to the other side of the building 
5:56 pm

She waited around 15 minutes before Ellie and Dina came out of the top of the building, Casey had made her way to the top after hearing wolf's talking and coming in and out of the building. "Where have you two been, Jesus," Ellie rolled her eyes again and turned to an apartment complex, jumping from the roof to the balcony. 

They had made their way down to a room which had no walls, funnily enough and they took the chance to inform Casey on what they had found at the hotel and the building. It was a photo of a girl named Leah, she was stationed in a radio tower somewhere in uptown Seattle. 

"It's getting dark, are you sure we should be heading there? We can barely see 10 feet in front of us," Casey began. "We can stay here for the night, border up rooms, take turns being on watch," Dina nodded, agreeing with the brunette. "and what if the wolves come and kill us?" Ellie asked, walking toward Casey. 

"Then one of us can stay awake, we'll take it in turns." Dina took Ellie's arm after defending casey, realistically they wouldn't have much advantage against the wolves, they would be hiding in the shadows, awaiting their next enemy. "Right, each person will get 3 hours before swapping, I'll start, then you, casey then Dina. Sound good?" 

Both Casey and Dina nodded, heading inside to find a suitable room to sleep for the night. Boarding up windows and blocking the door, Ellie had grabbed a chair and her pistol, positing herself slightly ajar to where the door was initially placed. Dina and Casey took the bed, facing different sides as they drifted off to sleep. 


Welcome to the first chapter, yes, I know things went differently but the part was getting longer than I intended and so I decided to end it. 

Word count: 1125

- Ana

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