ch. 3

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1:12 pm

Casey woke with Dina leaning over her, a jumper placed gently behind her, acting as a pillow. "What time is it?" She asked, sitting up Dina's hand pressed to her back, helping her. "Just passed 1:10. Are you okay?" Casey nodded at Dina's question, glancing around to see where Ellie had gone. 

"C'mon, we have to keep moving. Where did Ellie go?" Casey had asked Dina, before standing with the help of Dina. "She just went to-" Dina was interrupted by Ellie screaming. "ELLIE?" Dina shouted, standing up, leaving Casey to pick up the jacket that she was using as a pillow. 

She had followed Dina behind to where the scream came from, which was Ellie, dusting off her jeans. "I'm okay, I'm okay." Ellie reassured, smiling up at Dina. "Can I have my jacket back now?" She asked Casey who was holding her jacket over her arm. "Oh, yeah, sure. Let me just come down real quick." She slid down the muddy slope, standing up and giving Ellie her jacket. 

"Come down Dina, it's okay." Ellie called out as Casey walked forward, navigating her way over the muddy river to another path, Ellie and Dina followed, as they continued, they found a broken highway,  pieces had fallen onto the greenery around the river. As Casey continued up she found a mural, something the Scars, or Seraphites had made. 

"Who do you think this is?" Ellie asked, it wasn't directed at anyone but it was a respectable question. "Someone who wants us to 'feel her love'" Dina replied behind Ellie, to which Casey laughed at, and asked: "Did the wolves do this?" Ellie shook her head, "It would've been a wolf if they did it. Maybe someone else." She concluded as Casey nodded. 

They continued, venturing right from the mural to a dead horse, two runners and two clickers lay dead. "Hey, look, tommy's horse." Ellie looked closer at the horse. "Infected did a number on this one." Casey leaned in next to Ellie, glancing at her. Ellie looked over at her, and their eyes met, although the moment was interrupted by Dina throwing up in the corner. 

"Are you okay?" Ellie asked, looking away from Casey to check on Dina. "Yeah, all good, just the smell." She reassured the other girl. As Ellie and Dina continued to chat, Casey looked around at the infected, seeing if they had any stuff on them. "Casey, c'mon." Ellie called out for her, to which she replied with a nod and climbed over the half wall that stood in the way of their path. 

They continued, only to come over a street, lined with shops on one side and a wired fence the other. Abandoned cars with overgrown weeds decorating the top stood in the middle of the road. "More shot bodies," Dina pointed out. "Tommy definitely came this way." Ellie concluded, noting the wired door barricaded with a filing cabinet. "Solid barricade." 

As Ellie walked forwards, Dina yelled 'STOP!' abruptly, and she did. "Tripwire, look." Dina pointed out, making sure that no one would die. They continued along, walking into a store of some kind, fortunately for Ellie, Casey had pushed her back before she walked into tripwire decorating the entrance. "Thanks," Ellie looked down as their eyes met. "Sure." 

Walking into the store (after breaking a window), Casey went to the back as Ellie and Dina stayed out the front. "Hey guys," Casey called out, summoning the other two to the back room. "We can break that window, miss out on some of the tripwire." Casey said to them as she broke the window, climbing out, followed by both Ellie and Dina.  

"Great, so how-" Ellie was interrupted by Casey shooting one of the wires being shot by Casey. "Gotta find a way through." She replied, walking forward. After blowing up many different wires of all kinds (and crawling under trucks) they reached the steps to the TV station. They climbed up and shot the tripwire, they made it up to where a wolf was lying.

"Fuck. That's brutal." Ellie said as she approached the wolf. Casey bent down, taking the ammo out of the mans gun. "Hey, look, we can get in there," Dina pointed out, the other two looked at the rope falling out the window. "Well lets go." Casey was first to go, then Ellie and finally Dina. 

The next moments went by in a blur, they found Leah, she was dead. They escaped out of the room that was swarmed by wolves, then after dramatically running out of the building and down into a series of tunnels it was a lot, there was a truck and multiple wolves shooting at them and frankly it was too much for anyone, until they tucked into said tunnel, they were finally out of the woods, for now. 

3:57 pm

Hi Friends! Sorry this one is a little bit shorter (ab 130 words) I was cleaning basically all day but I wanted to get a chapter out so this might have to do, as I'm writing this I'm going to bed in like thirty minutes (I'm tired lmao) so this is the best I could do : )

(Again, not proofread).

Word Count: 876

- Ana

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