ch. 2

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9:43 am

It was Dina's turn to go on watch, so far no one had come into the apartment, wolves occasionally passed but they never passed through. Ellie was the first to wake out of both her and Casey, she unblocked the door and walked out, pulling a granola bar out of her bag and walking to the wall-less room.

"We need to make it to the Radio Tower." Ellie concluded, feeling Dina's presence behind her. "Let me look at that map," Dina reached forward to grab the map, tapping on the Radio Tower that stood around the middle of the map. 

In the other room, casey woke up. Noticing the lack of desks, she tugged her jacket back on, her shoes following and ventured out of the room, grabbing her bag as she head out. "Where's our next adventure?" She asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "The TV station, up ahead." Dina replied as Ellie jumped down from the balcony  onto a covered hot tub.

They all took a sharp left as Dina asked Ellie if she was okay after the whole school debacle. "Is the TV station where Abby is?" Casey asked, after being absent for the majority of the conversation. "No, a girl named Leah." Ellie explained, walking faster. "Was she there?" Ellie ignored Casey's last question. "Alright, good talk." 

They came across a hotel, Capitol Inn, occasionally dipping into the open room to find what they could, they eventually went up a set of stairs to the top level and jumping off the balcony onto a van. As they approached a Dry Cleaners store, there was a group of wolves who were guarding the store, occasionally making short conversation.  

"Shit, get down." Casey crouched, followed by both Ellie and Dina. "What's our plan? We wanna take them out or sneak past them?" Casey asked the two.  "We should take them out, the less the better." Ellie said, her voice below a whisper. Casey was first to stand, aiming her rifle at one of the guys on top of the building, and with a shot, he then fell down, alerting the other wolves.

Ellie and Dina both jumped up, shooting the rest of the wolves that occupied the area. "Is that all of them?" Dina asked, looking around the area. "I think so." Ellie responded, walking around to make sure they were alone. "You recognise any of them?" Dina asked Ellie again, to which she responded with a curt 'no.'

They continued through the quarantine zone, occasionally making a left turn or passing through shops. Stopping in 'Nancy's Knick-Knacks' Casey picked up a shirt, smiling gently. The shirt had a pumpkin pressed onto the front, taking it off the rack, she rushed to show the nearest person, who just had to be Ellie. 

"What the fuck is this," Casey let out a short chuckle as Ellie took the shirt. "It's a pumpkin, Ellie, thought you would've known." She responded, taking it back and putting it on the shelf. "Why don't you keep it? I mean, feels comfortable." Casey felt Ellie's breath on the back of her neck as she spoke, after a second of pondering she decided to follow Ellie's orders and shoved the shirt in her backpack. 

Casey turned around, revealing Ellie smiling gently and a lack of Dina's presence. "Where's Dina?" Casey asked, looking around. "Doesn't matter, as long as she isn't dead." Casey laughed at Ellie's responded. "C'mon lets go find her," Casey turned to the exit and walked passed Ellie.

They had both found Dina, she was crouched down at the entrance to a building. "Hey, get down, get down." Dina made a hand movement with her hand, gesturing for them to crouch with her. "What do we do?" Dina asked the two who had just joined them. 

"Dina, you get the guys on the left, I'll go right, Casey, you clear the roof on the right and you can keep guard." The other two nodded, Dina going to the left to try and clear the wolves on that side, Casey separated from Ellie and Climbed a trash can to get on the roof. She strangled the guy and pulled out her rifle, tracing Dina's movement. 

Dina and Ellie had finished taking out the guys, and so Casey slid off the roof and landed onto the pavement which was littered with grass growing between the cracks in the concrete. "Shit. There's no way we're getting through that," Ellie backed up, looking at two doors that were overgrown to shit. "We'll find a way. We always do." Dina reasoned, to which Ellie nodded. 

"Hey, guys, if we go up there, there's a opening that'll get us to the other side." Ellie pointed out, and jogging to the building, Casey and Dina followed. They had walked through the opening in the building. Going to the left, Casey noticed how two of the entrances were completely blocked and opted to go to the right. 

"This way," Ellie had lead them to a FEDRA box, pushing her knee out with two hands folded neatly, she called for Dina and lifted her on top of the box. "C'mon Casey." She called, to which Casey walked forward, leaning on her shoulder as she hiked her up to the box where Dina had previously been, before she jumped down on the other side, expecting Casey to help Ellie.

Casey could've sworn Ellie had touched her ass as she was pushed up, maybe that was just her imagination, or maybe not. Lying flat on the box she pushed her hand out for Ellie to take to ensure that she got onto the box. "Look, that round tower, I think that's where we're supposed to be." Dina pointed out from the ground. "C'mon." Ellie said as she slid off the box. 

As they continued pass the old checkpoint, a clicker had come out and Ellie had aimed her gun at it before it got blown up by a trap. "Holy shit, what was that?" Dina asked after backing up "Traps. Fucking traps." Dina nodded and followed Ellie and Casey further through the abandoned checkpoint. 

There was a runner and a clicker, Casey had moved forward, not noticing the trap there, the runner had noticed her and was now, rightfully as it's name stated, started running toward her, causing her to back up and as soon as it ran  through the trap, she was thrown backwards, hitting a barrier knocking her out cold.

12:49 pm

(I haven't proof read this and I probably won't ever but it's just too long for my attention span, so if some of it's a bit eh that's why).

Hi everyone, this chapters a little shorter but I just wanted to wrap it up before it got too long, I hope you enjoyed it and I'm trying to post a new chapter every day but I'm not entirely sure how that's going to go down, but I will try. 

Word count: 1138

- Ana

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