ch. 4

309 13 7

3:57 pm

"Holy shit," Casey backed away from the barricaded door, shielding the wolves temporarily. "Will that hold them?" Dina asked, pushing the vending machine tighter against the door. "Let's not sticky around to find out." Ellie said, already walking away from the door and climbing down to another tunnel undergrown. 

"Spores ahead, masks." Dina said suddenly, prompting the other two to pull on their gas masks. Casey stopped at a pipe, leaning against it she winked at Ellie when Dina was looking the other way. "Ladies first," She made a hand movement, gesturing toward the entrance to the pipe. Ellie crawled through, followed by Casey and finally Dina. 

Standing up fully after Ellie, Casey pushed one of those metal turny machine things to continue down stairs, only to start crouching again due to excess concrete blocking more than half of the walkway. As they continued, they came across a opening in the walkway with metal bars covering, showing off a room that held a clicker. 

Continuing, they exited the confined space and into a train station, with numerous wolves sweeping the area. "Masks on! Sweep the entire station." One of the wolves said out loud as they equipped their masks. "Hey, that train down there, we can go through it to escape." Casey said pointing to the train at the end of the station. Ellie nodded, along with Dina. 

"Well, I'll meet you guys there." And with a wink, Casey had gone to the left, ducking into a small building and weaving her way through. She had snuck up on the runner that was in the small shop and killed it, almost getting caught in the process. She continued along, sneaking onto the train to try and get to another train further along the line, being met with Ellie and Dina. 

Ellie pried open the door, ushering Casey and Dina in quickly to ensure that the clicker that had chased after them was unable to enter the train. Moving quickly through the small pathway the train had, they ducked under various objects and ended up leaving said train and onto the same railway that had been blocked by concrete. 

"Did you hear what they called us?" Dina asked Ellie, who was the first out of the train. "Scars." Ellie replied, Dina had hummed. "I wonder if that's who made all of those murals," she said, voice still muffled by the gas mask she had on. "Do you think they're the ones who hung those wolves back at the TV station?" Casey asked the two. "Likely," Ellie answered.

They had continued a little further, crawling under the same train to get to the other side. Screams could be heard from a female wolf as they approached the end of the tunnel. Ducking into a small space to the right, they each took turns looking at the same wolf that had screamed earlier. She was now pressed up against a gird panelling. 

As Ellie and Dina continued to talk, Casey turned to the right to climb a ladder and throwing over a particularly long rope and slipping off the edge of the ledge. "Wha-" Dina began, "-great problem solving skills guys," Casey said as she began to climb the rope and swinging to the other side. The other two followed her as she entered a room to the right, seeing as the ladder was busted, badly. 

Casey climbed up to a higher point in the room, crawling into it, stopping immediately at the sound of wolves. "Fuck! Go, Go!" A male wolf screamed out, after an acid spore was thrown at him, causing a guttural scream to emit from him. "I've never seen something like that." Dina whispered to both of them. "Me too," Ellie responded, following Casey out of the ceiling shaft.

As they jumped from the opening, they entered another room, it was filled with two shamblers and at least 4 runners & clickers. Equipping her gun, Ellie snuck to the right of the room, passing a shambler with Casey and Dina following closely. They took left, ducking into a room with a runner, after Ellie had cleared that room, they continued until they found a door. 

Getting in position, Ellie tugged on the chain to open the door, Casey and Dina ducked into it quickly. The shamblers, clickers and runners had been alerted and ran toward them, after only just making it in time, Ellie slid under the door hastily as the infected kicked on the door. "Let's go, before they break that," Casey began to walk away as the other two followed. 

Continuing down a hallway, Dina took a right, going into a door and shortly ducking back out. They came to the end of the hallway, the door wasn't budging, so they took a left,  jumping over a rail to another room filled with more infected. "Fuck," Casey whispered as she landed, "why are there so many?" Casey asked no one, and no one responded. 

They weaved their way through the infected filled room, eventually making their way to a door placed on the other side of the room. Pulling the axe out of the handle, they slipped out of the door to find a lot of trains piled onto each other. "I wonder how long they kept trains running past Outbreak Day." Ellie said as she began to climb the mountain of trains. 

As they climbed the trains, the very last one decided to tip over, throwing Ellie and Casey forward. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Casey shouted as she almost fell right to the back of the train. Ellie had grabbed her hand, ensuring that she didn't fall and accidentally break her back. "I got you, ugh fuck, how are you so heavy?" Ellie shouted as she held Casey's hand to keep her from not falling.

Her hand was slipping, "I can't hold on any longer!" Ellie shouted, "Hang on, just another second!" Casey glanced around, grabbing onto a railing on the side, just as she did, Ellie's hand slipped and she fell down to the actual train station. A runner had come and jumped on top of Ellie, smashing her gas mask. "I'm coming!" Dina had yelled down just as Casey slipped off the railing she was holding on to. 

Swinging her baseball bat that was stationed on the back of her bag, temporarily knocking down the runner, Dina had then shot the runner with Casey helping Ellie up. Her eyes widened as she noticed the broken gas mask, Dina came behind her. "Ellie! Your mask! We- we can share mine!" Dina rushed to take off her mask. 

"No! Dina stope-" Ellie tugged her mask off, throwing it to the the other side. "-Stop! I'm not infected! I'm immune! I'm immune!" Ellie said as she pinned Dina to the wall. "I'm not coughing do you see?" Ellie slowly let go of her grip on Dina. "Fuck, so- so you're okay?" Casey asked, pushing her hand through her hair. 

Just as Ellie was about to respond a hoard of infected began to run toward a set of escalators that were  stuck closed. They took another left, climbing up the stairs and just as they were about to get off the flight of stairs, a runner had grabbed Ellie's foot. Dina shot it off, helping Ellie up as she gazed over the 10 or so clickers running up to where they stood. 

"Hey, c'mon." Dina grabbed Ellie's hand as they followed Casey, who had taken a sharp right, running through another level of the train station. "Take a right!" Casey shouted back at the two, turning right and leaping over the gate that had been placed to stop anyone from passing through, but apparently infected didn't respect the gate. 

They ran through the last bit of the train station until they reached a turnstile, pushing it around, Casey looked back, making sure her two other friends had made their way through successfully.  Dina had, but Ellie was caught with a clicker holding onto her tightly. "Fuck, Ellie!" Casey shouted as she shot the clicker and pulled Ellie through. 

Dina fell down behind the two, Ellie instantly rushing over and picking her up. "C'mon, we'll take shelter in that theatre." Ellie said to Dina as she helped carry her toward the theatre. Casey kept her gun pointed at the turnstile, making sure they were properly safe. 

Ellie and Dina had made their way to the theatre, Ellie only letting go of Dina once they reached the theatre. Ellie had put a chair in the door to ensure that no one could get in. Casey backed away from the two as they began to talk, walking to the other entrance to make sure that it was secure. 

She began to think, Ellie was immune? Was there such a thing? There wasn't much time to talk as Ellie walked over to her, grabbing her arm, "I'm making sure this place is clear, wanna help?" She asked with a less than enthusiastic voice. "Sure," Casey nodded and followed her up the stairs of the theatre to ensure that it was clear. 

8:03 pm

Hi lovies!

I'm so so so sorry for not posting yesterday, so I thought I'd finish this part off then write another 500 words maybe to make up for it? I know not many people read this but it's more or less just for me because I like to write, regardless of whether or not I'm good is a whole other debate. 

Word Count: 1589

- Ana

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