ch. 5

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8:04 pm 

"Fucking pregnant," Ellie murmured, "wait, what?" Casey turned around to see Ellie with her head drooped low. "Are- are you-" Seeing as they were going up the stairs to where another room and a window where, Casey dropped down one stair, making sure she was level with Ellie. Ellie laughed and shook her head, "no, no, but Dina-" She had stopped mid sentence. "She's? Shit." Casey leant against the wall, taking it all in. 

The silence between them felt like an eternity (it was actually like 1 minute). "What's going to happen to her? She going back to Jackson?" Ellie shook her head, "she's gonna stay here, hold down base," They walked into the room to the left, looking around and seeing a radio. "Here, look at this," Casey said she saw the radio, "What? What is it?" Ellie moved behind her, close enough so that she could feel her breath on her neck. 

She, rather unexpectedly, turned around. Their faces were close, closer than they ever had been and strangely enough Casey didn't mind. If they were this close before they left, they probably wouldn't have been able to be this close for this long. "The- the uh radio is-" Casey stopped mid sentence, it seemed as if Ellie was leaning in, "Casey-" a loud strike of thunder interrupted them, forcing them apart. 

"Radio, you should, um, yeah." Casey let out a gentle breath, moving away from the radio. Whacking the radio a few times, a set of keys emerged from the radio. "It needs power, I'll go figure that out, you see what the keys do," Ellie handed her the keys, as she did Ellie's hand brushed against hers a second longer that it should've. 

Casey rushed down the stairs, using the keys on different locks until she came across theatre, pushing the keys into the lock she opened it, revealing numerous empty seats along with crates along a stage. Walking up the stage she pushed the curtain back. "What is this place?" Ellie asked from behind her, causing Casey to jump at her sudden appearance.

"No way," Ellie walked toward a guitar stationed on top of a crate. She took it out of the case and began to play it, leaning against the wall. "Hey, you're really good at that," Casey laughed as she moved closer to Ellie. "Joel taught me, you know Joel, right?" Casey shook her head at Ellie's question. 

"Is that who you're going after?" She asked Ellie, who then shook her head. "No, his brother." She continued strumming as Casey moved closer to her. Glancing up, Ellie smiled at her before putting the guitar down beside her. "I could teach you sometime," Ellie offered, Casey nodded. Moving even closer, Casey leant against the wall, turning her head to look at Ellie.

"Huh, you're eyes" Casey looked at Ellie's eyes, taking in the green colour that plagued them with beauty, grabbing her interest. "So are yours," Ellie laughed as she moved her face closer to Casey to inspect her eyes. 

In a second, Casey had moved forward herself, now only inches apart, Ellie connected their lips. Casey's hand went to Ellies face, cupping her cheeks gently as if she was porcelain. Ellie's hands, however, went down to her hips, holding her in place. The kiss felt so wrong but so right at the same time, they both knew Dina was just a room over and could instantly walk in on them. 

Pulling away, Casey cleared her throat and murmured that she 'was tired' and needed sleep, Ellie nodded and headed the other way, double checking that the place was secure enough for them to comfortably stay in without worries of infected or wolves storming in and claiming the place as their own. 

8:47 pm

Hi everyone, this was just a small little thing that kinda went a lot longer than I planned. I might do another chapter today but I also might not - have a nice rest of your day, drink water and I love you. 

Word Count: 678

- Ana

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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