Chapter 1

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"In a upset, the Black Jackals have beaten the Schweiden Adlers in only four sets!"

Even though the crowd was going crazy from the insane game we just witnessed, all my attention was fixated on a certain orange haired boy as he was celebrating with his teammates. The plan was to wait for the five of us, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi, to meet together and catch up. But I couldn't help myself, after missing him for two years, I needed his attention now.

"Hinata! Good game!" I screamed from the top of my lungs from the crowd, waving my arm at him. The orange haired boy was confused, trying to find the direction my voice came from. A few seconds later he spotted me and just like old times, he put out his arm and fist in my direction and smiled. I couldn't help but shed a tiny tear, I waited two years just to see him.

I responded by also giving him an air fist bump back.

"Uhm, Yachi-san everyone is watching you, you know?" Yamaguchi pointed out. I looked around and realized everyone had their eyes on me, talk about embarrassing. I quickly sat down and hid my face behind my hands.

"Geez, look at what you've done to me Hinata."


"Hinata!" I quickly ran and jumped into his arms, believe or not, this was our first hug.

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and I have just met up with Hinata and Kageyama. Both of them were still in their respective team uniforms, and still a little bit sweaty.

"Yachi-san! It's been such a long time!" He replied, releasing me from his hug. "Even though we texted and video called everyday, talking in person feels a whole lot nicer."

I nodded. "Yeah, I can't even explain how much I missed you!"

Two years ago, on the day Hinata was destined to leave to Brazil, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Hinata, and I met up at a cafe. We talked for a few minutes then we left so Hinata could go on his way to Brazil. I wanted to tell him not to go and leave me alone again, but when I saw the excitement in his eyes I couldn't say it. Instead I told him to do his best and he told me the same. No matter what I did I could never catch up to the baby crow, his ability to fly higher than anyone could possibly think of was too limitless for me.

I stayed in Japan, continued college, and had an internship with my mother's company, now I work for a whole different company. While I was here all I could do was text and call Hinata. He had a tough time in Brazil; he had no friends, beach volleyball was tougher than he expected, and none of us from Karasuno were there to give him that push like we always did.

Everything changed when he met the Grand King Oikawa in Brazil. After his encounter and unexpected friendship with the former rival, Hinata began to understand his purpose for being there. He finally got some friends, even got a beach volleyball partner, mastered the basics of beach volleyball, and finally became the ultimate decoy like he was always destined to be.

And here I was, just sitting on the sidelines and not trying my best to support the one that saved me during my high school life. But that won't happen this time.

"Shoyo-kun!" Miya Atsumu, his team's setter, screamed. "Let's go grab something to eat from my brother, I'm starving!"

"Su-" I cut Hinata off before he had the chance to agree. "Sorry, we already made plans. Is it okay if I borrow your opposite hitter for the day?"

(A/N: Hinata's position on the Black Jackals is called an opposite hitter, for those of you still learning volleyball positions)

The twin stared at us with a smug smile. "Sure, but we have another game tomorrow, make sure to bring him back home by noon, okay?" He stated, acting like a dad giving his daughter's prom date a curfew.

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