Chapter 3

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"Miya Atsumu with the recieve, passing it to Hinata for one of their signature plays!"

I quickly ran to the ball and got into setting position. The question now is who to pass it to. There's Bokuto-san but he's running straight into a three-man block. Atsumu-kun just received the ball and the opponent probably knows this play, so if I set it up for for him they'll just have a defensive play ready for it. Then who..... That's right!

"Thomas-san!" I screamed as I set up a play for him.

"Thomas comes soaring in for the point! What high volleyball IQ we just saw from Hinata. If he passed that to anyone else besides Thomas there was a good chance of it being blocked." One announcer said. "Luckily for Hinata he's played with three of the best setters in the world; Kageyama in high school, Oikawa in Brazil, and now Miya Atsumu. He definitely picked up a few things about being a setter from them." The other announcer added.

"Nice one Shoyo-kun!" Atsumu-kun screamed, giving me a high five. "Just a little bit sloppy on the pass though."

We all looked at him and laughed. Even though I've only been on the team for a few weeks, it was easy to tell this team has an insane amount of chemistry. Luckily for me Bokuto-san was on the team, which made it easier for me to come in and get along with everyone.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I want to try doing that!" Bokuto-san screamed, putting his arm over my shoulder. "No way in hell, besides from Shoyo-kun, the rest of you guys would just set up a bad pass." Atsumu-kun responded.

Once again we all laughed. I hate to say it but playing on this team is just as fun as it was playing for Karasuno.


"Kageyama! Tough loss but you'll get em next time!" I yelled, smacking him on the back. "Shut up, Dumbass!"

Both Kageyama and I just played games for our respective pro teams. My team, the Black Jackals, were able to pull of the win in four sets and we remain undefeated so far this season. Kageyama on the other hand just loss another game, I believe the Adlers are now 1-2, one loss coming from my team.

"Everyone's lucky that Wakatoshi-san injured his arm against the Red Falcons and is out for a few games. If he wasn't injured we would be 2-1 instead." He responded. "Hehe, got to keep that one in there for the time we beat you fair and square." Just like old times, Kageyama tried to hit me and I dodged.

"You better be ready next time." He said, putting on his Adlers volleyball jacket. "We know all your plays now and we're going to take advantage of that."

"Come on now, stop being a sour grape. The twins have probably been waiting for a while now, let's get going."

Usually after games I hang out with Yachi-san but today she has overtime, because her company has to make up for the day their power went out. So instead, today I'll be going to a restaurant that Atsumu-kun's twin brother owns, he also invited Kageyama so we just decided to go together.

"Hey dumbass, someone's calling you, pick up the damn phone." Kageyama pointed out.

I reached for my phone and looked at the number. The first thing that popped up was a picture of Yachi-san and I both doing the peace sign. We took this picture during nationals and since then I kept it as her contact photo.

"Yachi-san? What's up, do you need anything?" I asked. "Hinata! Thank God you picked up! I forgot to bring lunch with me and I also forgot my purse at home. Can you get something for me from that restaurant you're going to and bring it to my job?"

I looked at the time and instantly set up a schedule. Yachi-san usually has her lunch break at around 15:00, currently it was only 12:00. I have enough time to eat with Kageyama and Atsumu-kun for a hour or a hour and a half. Then I can take the bus to her company's building on time.

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