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The drive is very awkward, especially since Seungmin is sitting next to me.

Things have been weird between us since the kiss in the closet.

He told me it's okay, but his actions speak different.

I regret doing that so much. It's not that I didn't like the kiss, I really did.

But if I'd known it would hurt the relationship between Seungmin and me, I would never have done it.

Minho: We're here!

The car stops and everyone starts getting out.

Once we are all out, we walk follow Minho towards the building.

Hyunjin: Are you sure this is the right building?

Jisung: Yeah. According to the description, this should have the footage from the two encounters you had with the lady.

Hyunjin: Okay...

We walk inside the building, but I'm still a bit skeptical about the whole plan.

Minho walks up to the receptionist and asks her something, but she shakes her head and he walks back to us with a sad expression.

Jisung: Baby, what happened?

Minho: I asked her for the footage, but she said no...

Chan: Step aside mate, I got this.

He smirks and unbuttons the top of his shirt before walking to the receptionist.

He leans in and rests his elbow on the counter before talking.

While he's talking, he takes a strand of the woman's hair and starts twirling it around his finger.

The receptionist visibly blushes before nodding and Chan smiles, showing off his dimples.

Chan winks at her and walks back with a wide smile.

Chan: She agreed!

Minho: How did you do that?

Jeongin: Who cares how he did it? Can we just get this over with?

We all look at Jeongin, who's pouting with his arms crossed.

Chan: Aww, baby are you jealous?

Jeongin doesn't respond and looks away.

Chan: Don't be, you know my heart belongs only to you~

Chan wraps his arms around Jeongin, causing the younger to smile and hug back.

Felix: Ok damn, y'all know some people are still single here, right?

Jisung: Shut up, you ruined their moment! Anyways, let's go.

We walk up to the receptionist and she leads us into a room filled with screens and computers.

Receptionist: What date and time do you need?

I tell her the approximate date and time of the two encounters and she pulls them up for us to see.

Hyunjin: Oh my god! That's her!

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