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After talking to PD-nim about what happened, Changbin and I walked back to the dorm.

Currently, I'm just laying on the couch, thinking about Seungmin.

Changbin: Bro, Felix just texted me, explaining what happened.

Hyunjin: Did he?

Changbin: Yeah, they talked to him about what happened.

Hyunjin: And what did Seungmin say?

I get up and look at him, curious for what he'll say.

Changbin: He ran out.

Hyunjin: The fuck?

Changbin: Yeah, he didn't believe them and just left the house with nothing.

Hyunjin: Shit, I'm leaving.

Changbin: Why? Seungmin is smart, he won't get lost.

Hyunjin: Yeah, but he's also really cute. And this area is filled with jerks looking for fun.

Changbin: Damn, you're right. I'm coming too.

Hyunjin: No, stay. It'll be easier to get recognized if we both go.

He nods and lays down on his bed.

Changbin: Call me if you need backup.

Hyunjin: Duh.

I grab my phone and coat, getting out of the dorm as fast as I can.

I run through the streets, screaming Seungmin's name like a madman, but I honestly can't care less.

Hyunjin: Seungmin-ah! Where are you?!

As I turn the corner, I hear mean laughing and talking, their words slurred from drinking too much alcohol.

I run to the noise as fast as I can and see a crowd of men around a small boy.

My eyes widen when I look closer and see that the boy is Seungmin.

He's crying, tied up, and gagged, wearing nothing but his boxers.

The sight lights flames in me and I immediately walk over to the men, punching the first one I come in contact with.

When the man screams, the others turn around to see what happened.

They see me and smirk, probably thinking I'm some weak that doesn't know how to fight.

Hyunjin: You fuckers! How dare you touch him?!

I start beating them up mercilessly, rage taking over me.

By the time I finish, I don't even know who's blood I'm covered in.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and look at the pile of unconscious people.

Hyunjin: These asshats deserve this.

I hear a whimper and my eyes widen as I realize I completely forgot about Seungmin.

I quickly go to Seungmin and remove the gag from his mouth.

Seungmin: H-hyunjin...

My heart breaks when I hear his voice crack.

I grab a random rock and smash the cuffs around Seungmin's hands with it.

I take my coat off and place it around Seugnmin's shoulders, noticing that his clothes are torn to shreds.

Hyunjin: I'm so sorry...

𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗟❜𝗦 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘 | 𝘴𝘦𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘫𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now