Chapter One

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-Cinder's POV-

You know that feeling you get when there's this perfect moment, and you feel like nothing can bring that down. But then you find out that it was just a cover for something horrible.

I had no idea how badly I was tearing us up when I did that same thing to the people I loved. All eight of us. But I felt I was doing right at the time.

Soon, though, realization crashed down on me with a crushing force when I almost lost the two power wolves closest to me.

Well, you don't need to know my whole life story. But you need to know some. So, here is where the story starts my friends.

I lived in a camp far from any civilization. That made it easier for us to stay safe and balanced. It was fairly small, with a fire in the middle of a small ring of tents. Nine tents to be precise. Yes, I know what your thinking, "But there are only eight of you." One tent was larger than the others and served as storage. For weapons or food or water or anything else, it didn't matter.

We didn't just act as a group or a camp, we acted at a family. We were a family and we watched out for each other. Though the superiors were in authority of the lowers, we were all pretty much equal. We hunted together and gathered wood for the life-giving fire.

Every night one person would keep watch over the camp while everyone else slept, even when it was very unlikely that anyone would come.

One morning, in my long life, seemed to be as normal as the others. Being one of the four superiors I had to get up early and start the fire. It was easy for me, though. As easy as it could be for a fire elemental.

I woke up and got dressed. But when I walked out, expecting the darkness of dawn, it was almost mid day. The camp was already teeming with life.

I walked over to my mate, Hydro. "Why didn't you wake me up? I was supposed to light the fire this morning," I asked him, smiling.

He turned and I could feel him smiling under his face cover, "You looked peaceful in sleep." He shrugged and added, "Plus, you never get to sleep in. Oh and I was talking to Fennel earlier, you have night watch tonight."

I smiled again, deciding to forgive him because of his valid reason. "Anything else noteworthy to tell me?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

Hydro mocked me jokingly by crossing his arms too. Then he dropped them after we laughed a bit, "Luna informed me earlier that Starstreak may be becoming ill. She's been feverish all morning."

"I'll check it out later," I said, more calmly than I thought. Honestly, on the inside I was freaking out. It was rare when a power wolf became ill and Starstreak was like a sister to me. We were very close. "I think I'll go hunting with Fennel," I finally finished. I decided I might be able to distract myself from Starstreak with a task, "Have you seen her recently?"

Hydro looked around then back to me, "I think she went to train with her bow."

I nodded and went to find her.

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