Chapter twenty

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-Cinder's POV-

Honestly when I looked around I was kinda impressed with the humans. They seemed to have a decent system here. An intricate system.

I nudged Fennel who was looking at bows and arrows. She stood up and looked at me. "Do you think they have a monarchy here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure... Ask someone here if they have a queen..." She said back before going back to her browsing.

I rolled my eyes. It had been a couple days since we got here, we've been looking around.

When I turned away I saw the woman we saw when we first got here. She was motioning to me, somewhat urgently. I tapped Fennel again, "I'll be right back..."

"Kay..." She said absentmindedly.

I crossed the dirt road and walked over, "Hello, How have you bee-"

"You need to leave!" She interrupted. I flinched a little from the sudden burst of concern that came from her.

"W-Why?" I said looking around then smiling at her. Though my smile suddenly dropped when I looked at her face. Complete worry was in her eyes, she looked less healthy than when I last saw her.

"They're coming" she started, "You are not safe!"

"When's the last time you ate? You don't look well...." I said, kneeling down to where she was sitting.

She shook her head, "That does not matter, you are in danger."

"It matters to me. Lets get you something to eat..." I smiled and stood up.

When I left I bought her a loaf of bread, making sure it was perfect, and bringing it back to her.

As I sat next to her she looked at me, then the bread, "Oh no... I cannot take this... Save this for you and your friend..."

"Fennel would want you to have this too." I said, breaking off a piece and handing it to her.

She took it reluctantly, giving me a thankful look. I smiled back and took a small bite of my piece.

After eating for a bit she spoke up, "Margret...."

I looked at her, "Hm?"

"I never told you my name.. It's Margret..." She said, smiling at me.

I smiled back, "Now, explain what you wanted to, I'm here to listen..."

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