~chapter 7~

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hey guysssss this chapter has 1,010 words!! i also accidentally deleted this so i had to re write it (make sure to read the bottom) happy reading!

I walk to the Hufflepuff common room and see cedric waiting outside i smile as a greeting, "i forgot that you wouldn't be able to get in since you didn't know the password so i waited out here" i smile "well thank you" "shall we?" he says while grabbing my hand "we shall" i say and laugh.

we are in his dorm and he has a bunch of books on his bed to help with the essay, he knows me looking, "i came prepared" i laugh at that and sit on his bed. "so how about i'll write the body paragraph and the exposition and you'll write the explanation and the conclusion" i nod and start to write.

about an hour passed and we are making small talk and have almost finished our essay when i start to drift to sleep, keep in mind it's about 11:00.

~cedrics pov~
about an hour has passed and Athena starts to fall asleep on my shoulder, i lay her down on my bed and cover her up. i don't want to make her uncomfortable so i go to grab a pillow when she grabs my arm "it's okay you can lay here" and smiles sleepily then immediately falls back asleep.

i lay on the bed and wrap my arms around her small waist and fall asleep.

~ Athenas pov~
i wake up with Cedrics arms around me and i smile. i didn't think about Draco once last night and it was refreshing honestly. i roll out out his arms and leave so i can get ready. i'll make sure to talk to him later.

when i walk into my room i see draco sitting on my bed and i jump "you have to stop doing that" i say "where were you?" he questions strictly. "with a friend" i'm not fully lying to him. "cedric?" "none of your business" he slams his fist on the bedside table "just tell me damnit!" he yells "stop getting so defensive you shouldn't even care!" i yell back.

"did you fuck him?" he questions "what?!" i question half yelling "answer.the.question.Athena" he says "maybe i did?maybe i didn't?" i say smirking.

"that's it." he walks out of my dorm. what? then i realized. he's walking towards the Hufflepuff conmen room. shit. i'm walking as fast as i can "Draco" he keeps walking "DRACO" he keeps walking. i try to run but he's still too fast.

just my luck the common room is open so he just runs right in. "where is diggorys dorm" Draco asks some random first year that's on the couch.he says where it is. "draco please" i grab his arm but he pushes me away immediately. "no one touches you" he says under his breath so i couldn't hear.

We get to cedrics dorm and i'm too far behind to step in front and he just walks right in. i run as fast as i can into the room and i can tell cedrics confused "oh hey um do you need something" cedric says draco pulls his collage and punches him "DRACO" i say pulling him off cedric but he pushes me back too hard and i fly into a dresser and groan. He continued to punch Cedric "stay the fuck way from her" and looks over at me

Draco finally realizes what he did and snaps his head to me "athena" his eyes soften "i'm so sorry i- i didn't mean it i wasn't watching"

"get away from me" i say, im scared not of draco of what he did to cedric but i can barley move. all the sudden cedric come out of no where "get out. now." and pulls draco out of the room. "hey hey are you okay?" i laugh a little "i should be asking you that"

"You should stay here" Cedric suggested. "I have a big test in potions and i want to study a little bit for it. thank you though" that's a lie. there's no test.hell it's Saturday tomorrow. i just want to sleep in my own bed.

"oh okay then, goodnight" he says and pulls me in for a hug and i kiss his cheek "goodnight ced" i say and leave. what am i going to do.

~Slytherin conmen room~
i walk into the common room to see pansy and draco sitting on the couch. well this should be fun. I walk right by the couch up the stairs to my dorm and I sit on my bed.

About 10 minutes pass and i hear the shower turn on. i start to do some homework i missed.I hear the shower turn off and the door on the other side close.then open back up again. i see my side of the bathrooms door open and draco with wet hair and just grey sweatpants standing there.

"starring problem?" he smirks "you wish i would stare at you" he walks over to me and pushes my chin up. "i don't have to wish if i already know"
"why would you beat up cedric" i ask "don't even go there. he touched you" he drags his thumb down my lip "and no one touches you" he says in a low voice"

" i- i just dont understand. you claim you don't care about me then get mad when i hang out with a guy" i say breathless "i lie sometimes" he lets out a soft chuckle and all the sudden he leans in. our lips are practically touching.

this is making me mad. i smash my lips to his and he kisses me back.

~Dracos pov~
She kisses me and it feels different. a good different like i've hooked up with um too many girls to count and none of them had this electric spark. i grab her waist and deepen our kiss.

~Athenas pov~
I pull away and just smile for a little bit and start "that was" "wow" he finishes and laughs. "um i have to go do something i'm sorry" he says "oh okay i'll see you later." I say

hi so i have a few questions
1: should i make the text like this (bolded)?
2: is this too much cedric/do you want me to move faster with Draco?
3: Any suggestions for plot?
see you next chapter for DRAMA😋

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