~chapter 8~

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Hey guys i'm aware that the yule ball isn't in 5th year but for the sake of the book it is. just a reminder that they are 16, i wanted some more time with the book so i changed some stuff up.... also i just wanted to say that cedric is seeming like it's going somewhere but again it's a draco fan fic so it doesn't last for long.anyways happy reading.

~two days later~
Ever since Draco and I had our little kiss and he's been super distant and only talking to me a little bit but maybe he just regrets it. I get it, classes flew by in no time and i'm walking back to my dorm. I feel a hand on my shoulder and i turn around. "oh hey ced" i say with a smile.

"hey, do you what to come back to my dorm and hang out?" he says fixing his collar.

"i'm so sorry i wish i could but I have to study and go to the shops" and add "i should be free later though" he smiles

"okay i'll see you at dinner then" he says kissing my cheek and I blush a little bit and continue walking to my dorm. This time I did actually have to study and pass this test. A long time passes and it's now dinner time. I'm not hungry but since there isn't too long until Christmas break I need to go.

I walk out of my dorm when a cold hand grabs my wrist and pulls me around. low and behold it's Draco, "Malfoy" i say coldly. He ignored me for two days after kissing me.

"Don't act so cold athena" he chuckles slightly "and do not call me Malfoy"

"What do you want" I say annoyed.


"Wha-" before i can finish my words he leans in and kisses me. I shouldn't kiss back but I do. I pull away and smile.

"See you at dinner Ma- Draco" I say and turn around to walk to the great hall.

Professor McGonagall announces that we are going to have a winter dance. The Yule Ball. I'm so excited and i'm never excited for this type of this stuff. I think Draco might ask me!! My thoughts are cut off my Dracos voice.

"Hey Pansy wanna go to the yule ball" he says.
what.the.hell. i'm sure my mouth is hanging wide open.

"YES OF COURSE" Pansy yells and kisses him on the cheek. Why am i so hurt? we aren't dating. How stupid was I to think i meant something to him. 

"The ball will be at 6:00 P.M the saturday before holiday break. I expect everyone to have a date and know the dance. We will go over this more later"

Right after she says that i run out of the great hall, it just hit me that Draco probably likes pansy and i was just a pawn.

I feel someone grab my arm "what?" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Oh i'm sorry athena i didn't mean to make you mad i was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" I turn to see Cedric and i smile.

"Of course" I say and then tell him i'm super tired and i'm going to head to bed and hug him.

I open the door to my dorm and let the tears roll down my face. I'm better than this. why am i crying over HIM. But i am, i craw in my bed and fall asleep.

~The next day~ (it is wednesday)
Today Hermionie asked me to go dress shopping with her after glasses so of course I said yes. I walk into my last class of the day, potions. I'm a little bit late but lucky for me snape isn't here yet.

"Finally decided to come" Malfoy says but i ignore him. And open my textbook. Snape walks in and tells us we need to read pages 678-683 i hate reading.

Snape slams his book closed and stands up. "Class dismissed" and walks out, i look at the clock and it hasn't even been 20 minutes but i'm not complaining. I walk back to my dorm when i feel a hand pull my wrist.

"Ignoring me are you?" Draco says with a smirk.

"Shut up and go talk to your girlfriend" i say and turn back around to start walking.

"Girl friend? Oh pansy? She isn't my girlfriend, you jealous Goldsmith?"

"Of pansy? ew no." i say and continue waking away and get to my dorm.

~Time skip to meeting up with Hermionie~

"It was so wierd how Snape just walked out today don't you think? I walk into the dress shop and Hermionie follows behind me.

"For a regular teacher? Yes. For Snape? No." i laugh.

We've been shopping for about thirty minutes when i see a PERFECT dress. "what about this one?" I say to Hermione. (dresses will be in the next chapter)

"It's perfect" she lightly says. She finds her dress and we pay and leave the shop.

Dresses next chapter! sorry for not uploading i have so many ideas but they are too soon in the book but a WHOLE lot of drama will be coming up soon.

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