𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 "𝐍𝐞𝐰" 𝐄𝐫𝐚

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    "Galo just leave them alone." Lio told his new partner. Half a year after the fight against Kray many were still cautious of former Burnish, even if they lost their power. Also even if their former leader Lio Fotia agreed to join the Burning Rescue to show all that he means no harm and wants to protect the city

"I can't when they're insulting one of the greatest rescuers on our team!" Protested Galo, he was still positive that people could change, even if he became aggressive with them. It became a routine now, with everyone still remembering Lio as the mad burnish who burned the city it was hard to try and lead a normal life. Galo has always noticed it would make Lio upset to even be stared at.

 He thought stopping by his favorite pizza restaurant would lighten Lio's mood, he had seemed down. However it only made him more upset with the remarks of other customers.

"Some hero's you are." The stranger snickered at him. It was almost strange hearing someone say this to members of the Burning Rescue, they had always been looked up to.

"Whats going on here?" The worker behind the counter asked before anything violent could start. Many customers stared at the situation yet none dared to interject. After all no one wants to get involved with something even they aren't sure about.

Before he could interject the man walked out of the store. 'Coward' Lio thought. The worker did not care to ask about Lio and Galo if they were fine, many were still biased. Galo smiled as if they won. Lio did not feel the same way.

"Its sickening" he exclaimed. "even after all that we have done former Burnish are still mistreated by these-" 

"Hey we finished our food lets head back to the station!" Galo brightly interjected. Despite how upset Lio was Galo's positivity was too contagious to ignore. Perhaps it was best, it would have been worse to make a scene on front of everyone.

'That idiot.'  Lio thought to himself with a smirk. The walk back to the station was more quiet than usual. Galo normally ranted about whatever came to mind, with small comments from Lio. However now seemed different, like their last encounter struck Lio more than usual. He normally brushed people off as ignorant and Galo would still try protect his friend, even if people called him an idiot in the end. He grew more oblivious to the comments.

"Hey, what's up with you? You seem more moody than usual." Galo asked realizing he had to start the conversation.

"Than usual?" Lio asked furrowing his eyebrow, how could he seem moody?

Galo began to carefully think about his next words not wanting to upset Lio more, it was quite hard for him.

"Never mind don't answer that" Lio interjected before Galo could say more. "I've just been feeling out of place lately."

"You do?" Galo asked genially shocked. "I thought you wanted to join the Burning Rescue, what's better than working with the number one fire fighting idiot?" 

Lio weakly smiled at the memory of Galo's personal title, he suddenly remembered how they met, how he thought so little of Galo then, how strong his bond was with the Promare... Lio shook his head at the thought, that happened in the past this is a new era. Even if people were close minded he had to keep moving forward. 

"I can't think of what would beat being your partner Galo" Lio said with a warm contagious smile. Galo gave him a large grin back, assuming Lio was fine. There was a lot on Lio's mind really but he couldn't put it all on Galo, not when there is so much Galo had done for him. After defeating the Promare it felt like Lio had a weight lifted from his shoulders, he could stop running. So why did he feel so empty?

"LIO!" Galo suddenly exclaimed towards Lio's face. He still had the habit of doing that even with the kindest intentions.  Lio quickly glared back at him, their height difference almost made it hard to take him seriously.

"What was that for!?" Lio replied annoyed, he never had gotten use to this habit of Galo's. 

"You were staring into the distance there, like you're questioning the meaning of life or something." Galo asked bluntly. Lio took the time to snap back to reality and focus on the present. He had drifted away there.

"I'm fine Galo really, you seem more worried than me really." Lio said tried trying to get the attention away from him. It seemed to work considering Galo did not press harder. He did not know how to respond, but he had a burning firefighter soul that wouldn't let his friend stay upset. Galo then stopped walking and pointed his finger directly at Lio.

"Lio Fotia, know that I and the burning rescue team are your new family and always will be!" he exclaimed. It caught Lio off guard but was actually comforting to hear. Even if Galo didn't know anything about Lio's family he still wanted to be there for him. 

Lio chuckled at the sudden declaration, "Thanks Galo." he then gave a weak but genuine smile. Galo then smiled at him in reply and began ranting about these "Burnish hating jerks" everywhere. Lio nodded as he went a long but on the inside he was still processing what Galo had told him, a family that will always be.

It may not have shown but Galo's words did strike deep. He had not been comforted since he began leading the Mad Burnish, he always had to reassure others. The word family stuck with him, it's been so long since he had seen his, but the memory still managed to stay with him.


Hello Thank you so much for reading! This is my first fan fiction so feel free to leave any thoughts or tips.

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