I actaully (admin) got a question! Yay!

564 16 3

Bonjour France!

If england's magic accedently turned you into a girl what would your reaction be? Also admin? You like FrUk right? Cause I have an Ask FrUk with No questions!!! TT^TT would you read it maybe?

I burst out laughing. "I love you, person! Holy crap!" I squealed. "I actually was in a rp last night and France got into England's potions thinking it was wine and he turned into a girl. It was pretty exciting."

France thought for a moment. "What I normally do. Walk around normal after looking at myself in the mirror for thirty minutes. I'd have to get used to not have balls and having boobs..." he answered seriously.

"I want to see that happen actually.... And yes! I love love love FRUK! I actually have seen it and its in my iPods library. AND I SWEAR, I will ask a question when I think of one! Pinky swear!" I poked the computer with my pinky and smiled at the screen.

"You took longer to answer than moi!" France exclaimed.

"You get all the questions anyways. I finally got one. And you know I'm a huge rambler! Like J. Michael Tatum~."

France stared at me quizzically.

"Your voice actor!!! Anyways thank you for the question!" I yelled hugging my computer.

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