Spain and Wine

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Le papa! Itz Martinique, a french Micronation! My admin sayz I should be nicer to Spain afrter what he did to me, how do you feel on this? And wanna go drink wine together~?

-Mon amour Marti~

"What did Espagne do to her?" France asked.

"I have no clue. She's your daughter," I said.

"I have too many children! More than amerique! I cannot keep up!" France sighed. "Oui~! Be nice to Spain for...whatever he did~!" France smiled.

"Wow France. You don't even know what he did." I typed out his answer.

"I don't need to~! Espagne is nice so it had to be something bien~!" He smiled. "Et oui! I would like to go out for wine. There is this French place mon admin showed moi. It is perfect~!"

I smirked. "I knew you'd like it." I continued typing. France came up behind me. "Why don't you type mon accent like she types hers?" he asked.

"Cuz I find it stupid," I replied.

"Why? I like it~! It shows imagination."

"It's not like it's important. I think it's harder to read with all those z's and stuff. Hers is fine but there is one person that really annoys me..." I trailed off.

"BigBrotherFrance?" France asked.

"I wasn't going to mention any usernames but yes. I must be retarded or something but it takes me five minutes to read one sentence because it has so many z's in it. I refuse to confuse people."

"Ah. Oui. You have to admit, he does portray moi very well.." France smiled.

I nodded.


"Pfft! Of course not!" I lied.

"Sure~. Merci pour la question~!"

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