Chapter 12

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Back at the Tower, Narvuk awoke in the Hangar, on a pile of empty crates with Zivath and Ikora on either side of him, checking him over. "Welcome back, Narvuk. You've been out for a while." Ikora greeted him, concern in her eyes. "Most of your wounds have already healed, thanks to both your Ghost and the natural regenerative abilities your people have," she noted. "There is one crack, however, that runs a bit too deep for Zivath here to fix. I'm sure we could reinforce it someh--"

"Lleave it. Scars are trophies of ssurvival." Narvuk cut her off. Ikora nodded and typed something into her datapad. Zivath ran another scan to confirm they hadn't missed anything, then nodded to Ikora.

"That's everything. Are we good?"

"Yeah, how's the big guy doin?" Poppy's voice called from the stairs to the Courtyard. "I was hoping to spend some time with our new fireteam member, maybe get a bit of shopping done." She grinned as she crossed the Hangar floor. "Sienna should be finishing up her AAR to Zavala soon, so she might be joining us, if you think you can deal with her," Poppy teased, her grin widening.

Ikora rolled her eyes, but Poppy's smile was contagious. "He's cleared, but I recommend he take it easy for a while. Patrol sorties and small missions only." She nodded to Narvuk, who returned the gesture, and walked away. Poppy turned to Narvuk and put her hands on her hips.

"So are you gonna get up, or am I carrying you up the stairs? 'Cause that's not gonna be pleasant for anyone involved," she joked. The Knight shook his head, grinned, then carefully pushed himself up, using his sword to brace himself. He stumbled a bit at his apex and Poppy darted forward to try and catch him, but his sword carried his weight well enough that he did not fall. Poppy smiled at him ruefully, and after a moment, he smiled back.

"Sso where to, friend?"

"We're gonna go see Banshee about getting you something with a range longer than two feet."


"Banshee-44, our gunsmith," Poppy explained as they slowly made their way up the stairs. "Normally, he makes weapons for Guardians, well, my size. But I'm sure he can fix something up for you. He's good at that sort of thing."

Narvuk hmmed in understanding, then grunted as he pushed himself up the final set of stairs. Once they reached the Courtyard, he leaned against a will with one hand. "Ggive me... a mmoment. Still feel... weak." Poppy turned and walked back.

"You're still recovering from that strike, this is normal. You were out for a few hours, and you're still not done healing. It's gonna feel like this for a while, big guy. Might as well get used to it while you can," she consoled, patting his stone-like arm. "You think you can walk? There's no more stairs, I promise." Narvuk nodded and pushed off the wall after another pause. "There we go. Look, Banshee's right over there." The Warlock pointed at a booth with two Guardians in front of it, one hooded and the other broad-shouldered. When they walked away chatting, Narvuk could see an Exo behind the counter with a blue and yellow face and eyes colored a blue so bright, Narvuk could see which way they were facing.

Poppy mock-pushed Narvuk forward, not really even moving him. "Well, go on. You're the one asking him for something, not me." He looked back with a pleading look in his eyes, but she simply jerked her head towards the booth, as if to say Well, go on. His shoulders slumped for a moment, then he squared them and walked over to the booth.

The Exo looked up from the auto rifle he was working on as Narvuk approached the counter. "So you're the Knight Shaxx was talking about. Name's Banshee, I do all the weapon repairs around here. Waddya need?"

"I wwas looking for... I don't really knnow. Something my size that isn't thhis." He raised his sword slightly, and Banshee's gaze shot to it. "That a real Cleaver? Haven't seen one of those in... well, it's been a while. Looks like it's seen better days. Shaxx knows more about 'em than I do. But you said you needed somethin that wasn't a sword. Y'want somethin long or medium range, I'm guessin?" Banshee cocked an "eyebrow" at Narvuk, who nodded, mouth slightly agape.

"Hm. Come back later, I'll see what I can scrounge up." As Narvuk turned to go, he found the broad-shouldered Guardian he had seen earlier blocking his path, arms folded. He was human, with dark skin and green eyes. He was taller than most, coming up to about Narvuk's sternum.

"Really? You're the Knight that's got the Vanguard all worked up? You don't look so tough. In fact" - he gave Narvuk a contemptuous look up and down - "you look about the same as every other Knight I've ever killed." He stepped closer and jabbed a finger into Narvuk's shoulder. "So don't go thinking you're anything special, hear me? Fuckin bug." And he stepped back and spat in Narvuk's face.

Narvuk just stared at the Titan. "What? Nothin to say, stoneskin? You scared?," the man taunted. Narvuk jerked his chin at something behind the man, who turned around to see... and received a right hook from Poppy, who had made her way over as the man was talking. He staggered back, one hand on his jaw. "Gah, what the hell-"

"Wanna say that again, DeMarcus?! Huh? Go ahead, I dare you!" Poppy challenged, fists raised and ready. DeMarcus raised himself up and balled his fists.

"What the hell is wrong with you, girl? That... thing doesn't belong here! You, of all of us, should be on my side here!"

"Two days ago, I would've been. But Narvuk is one of us, and frankly, he's already a better teammate than you were. Now back the hell off, unless you want worse than a bruised chin."

Seeing that he was outnumbered, DeMarcus unclenched his hands. "Fine. Just don't come crying when he stabs you in the back," he spat before marching off towards the Bazaar with what remained of his pride. From that same direction came Sienna, who was shouldered aside by the Titan as he passed. She gave him a vulgar gesture behind his back, then strode over to Narvuk and Poppy.

"I'd ask what his problem is, but I'm pretty sure I already know. So, you feelin any better, big man?" She gestured to what was left of Narvuk's wounds. "You took some nasty hits earlier."

"I still ache, but ggetting better," he replied, his hand drifting near the unfilled crack on his side. Poppy caught his wrist and shook her head. He nodded in thanks and dropped his hand back to his side.

"Glad to hear it, big guy. Eris says to, and I quote, 'take the care befitting a Knight, not act like a hungry Thrall'," Sienna said, making exaggerated quotation marks and laughing when Narvuk looked offended. "I'm kidding! ...I made that up just now. But I did talk to Eris about that name we heard on Titan, the 'Black Needle'?" Narvuk and Poppy quickly corralled their laughter, though Poppy retained a small smile.

"She said it's a title for one of the Hive pantheon, some ancient Wizard named Savathun." Narvuk hissed what was most likely a curse through his teeth. The girls' eyes shot to him. "Something wrong, big guy?"

"Savathun and I... are ffamily."

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