The Agreement.

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Friday, December 4th, 2020

7:00 am
Today was the day the entire Dream SMP had been waiting for, the day of reckoning. The small brunette brit was more scared than anyone. He knew no matter what happened today, his best friend, his own family, would be gone.

8:00 am
Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy had been planning a way to avoid having to exile Tommy. Even if it meant war. Which, it did.

Tommy: and do you wanna know something? and..I know you're gonna be- you're gonna be hesitant for this..but I- I reckon we get The Blade.

The boys talk over each other, disagreeing with Tommy, saying it's a bad idea, that he's crazy. After a bit more talking, Quackity agrees with Tommy. Then Fundy. Tubbo was, as Tommy said, hesitant.

Tommy: It's not about agreeing with Techno. It's about disagreeing with Dream. It's about taking that green bastard down.

Tubbo: Last time we did this, we thought we had the upper hand with Spirit, we think we have the upper hand now. He always has something up his sleeve. always. If we are going through this, we need to be prepared for every possibility. We're not sealing any deals. So if we're doing this, we're considering every outcome, okay? The loss, we're considering he has something up his sleeve, and generally what we want out of this.

Tommy: Well Tubbo, Techno will fight with us. We can do this. I know there's a side we can lose, but we didn't get this far- we didn't start L'Manberg- We didn't- When Eret betrayed us, we didn't give up there, when we lost all these wars we didn't just give up alright? We fought.

Slowly, Tubbo agrees. Or, at least, they think he did.

-298 words
A/N: hello everyone !! sorry this is a bit long but its mostly dialogue so i hope u dont mind as much :]  feel  free to leave constructive criticism !! 
Love, Beez🐝❤️ (follow me on twitter :] @/totallynootgay )

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