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Saturday, December 5th, 2020


Tubbo: I'm sorry, Tommy. I'm Sorry.

Tommy: Dream, you-

Tubbo: Tommy. I am- I am so, so sorry.

The boys were confused. why was he apologizing? Was there something they didn't know? Does he have something else planned? A million things running through their minds as they thought of all the possible conclusions.

Tubbo: Dream, I've come to the decision, that'll be best for the nation. The most logical thing to do, for Tommy to be...exiled..from L'Manberg.

Tommys stomach dropped. Fundy and Quackity protested against their president. Telling him off, yelling about what they had just talked about. Tommy, however, fell silent.

Tommy: why?...You were my friend.

Dream escorted Tommy out of his home. His safe place. Words running through his head at 100 miles per hour. Stomach flipping, head pounding. His best friend, his Tubbo, turned on him.

-time skip, sorry-

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Only a few days had passed, but to Tommy, it felt like an eternity. He'd lost track of time, he didn't even remember the day. His clothes, ripped, eyes droopy and dark. The light that once shined in them when he would smile, gone. He felt as if everything in this world, everything he worked so hard for, had left him.

Tubbo, poor poor little boy. He f*cked up.

(Tubbos POV)

What have I done? I kicked out my own best friend, my own BROTHER. Just because some stupid green mans boyfriends house was robbed. I could've solved this. I could've made everyone happy. But I just let him go.

Tubbo: Where did I go wrong? Why didn't I just think it through? I could've saved him.

Fundy and Niki stared at me liked I wad going insane. Perhaps, I was. I looked at the compass Ghostbur had made me. Apparently, Tommy had one, too. I winced as I thought about the boy I once knew.

(3rd person POV)

The whole nation could feel it. They knew Tubbo was unraveling. He's changed in the past three days. He was scared. He missed Tommy. His Tommy.

-timeskip, hey again-

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021

Tommy walked out of his tent to see Ghostbur and Dream still celebrating the new year.

Tommy: Why are you two still up? Have you not slept?

Dream: Nope ! Been partying since the 1st :)

Ghostbur: I'm dead ! I don't have he ability to sleep :D!

Dream and Tommy stared at Ghostbur, worryingly.

Tommy: Uh..Well..Do you guys want some breakfast? Or are you going back today?

He sounded sad. They knew he missed L'Manberg more than ever. They knew he'd only been getting worse. Dream looked at Ghostbur, who nodded at him. Dream nodded back before speaking again.

Dream: No. We'll stay today :) Maybe we can throw a party ! But instead of just us three, we can invite L'Manberg and everyone else? I know Ranboo and Fundy would love to come visit.

Tommy thought about it for a second. Scared, but excited, he agreed.

503 Words.
A/N: ELLO EVERYONE !! sorry for being gone for a few days akfj ive been really unmotivated and really just out of ideas. but im back !! prob gonna write another chapter after this one :) hope you all had a good day !!!
-A Very Sick Beez <3🐝

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