Broken Bones pt.1

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This chapter of the story will be completely in Tubbos point of view (POV). Short story for the time being, I'll be back.

June 1st, 2021.

Tubbo: "Punz.. Punz stop! Talk slower, I can't understand you with all your babbling"

Punz: "Tubbo, I'm telling you. HE did this. who else would burn down an entire building and call it a 'prank'"

Tubbo: "We all know Georges house was an accident. He didnt mean to burn it down. Also, a lot of people- A majority, actually, of people on this server would. How do you know for sure it was him?"

Punz: "Well..."


Tubbo: "Tommy, I'm sorry-"

Tommy: "NO. No, you're not. this is the SECOND time you've thrown me out of MY OWN FUCKING NATION. OUR nation. We made this country for the people that weren't allowed in other countries, that were thrown out. And here you are, doing exactly that. you're throwing me out of my own home. and to make it worse, for something you aren't even 100% sure it was me. I'm your best friend, Tubbo. I thought I was yours too."

He walked away. What have I done? Again. Punz already called Dream, I can't do anything else.

Dream showed up, talking about a court order and possible jail time. Jail time. Im putting my best friend, my brother, in one of the worst places known to man.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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