Chapter 08: Out of Hell

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Can you hear me screaming for you?
I'm afraid I'm gonna die down here
I can't save, I can't save myself
Get me out, get me out of Hell!
~ Skillet, Out of Hell~

~Malfoy Manor, 13th July 1943, Friday~

"Master Abraxas, your guests have arrived", a little house elf exclaimed, followed by a dozen crashing sounds as the air was ripped apart by fallen bodies.

"Black, any idea?", a tall guy with dirty blonde hair asked. He was dressed in a black suit and olive tie, had his hair gelled to the side, and looked slightly indifferent, but the crumbles on his white shirt indicated that he had been enjoying the pastries his mother made him.

Everyone in the castle knew Sibelius Blake was no one you could mess around with, his cold stares and sneers were his trademark, so no one knew how to deal with the fact that he allowed his mother to dote on him. And whatever you did, you could even set him on fire and he wouldn't lose his indifferent behavior before he would slowly but painfully end your life, by the love of Merlin, do not touch his pastries.

"Ask Avery, he's his favorite", the youngest guy with the messy black hair answered while styling his hair back into a long and pointy mohawk.

Said young man, the only one who didn't land gracefully like his companions and brothers but instead sprawled across the floor, rubbed his face, and groaned. "Come on Onion, we all know it's either Moon Moon or Malfoy. Why else are we here in his Manor and not somewhere drowned in Black Magic?"

The boy with the mohawk as well as a tall and muscular guy with long brown hair both looked like a few moments away from hexing Alexander Avery, the clumsiest Knight of them all, as he mentioned their names both wished they could change.

"Call me Moon Moon again and I'll show you why the Hat considered putting me in Gryffindor", Iah Moon hissed.

"Calm down your wand, Iah. There is no need to demonstrate now that you have no brain", said Troy Addams, and took a look around the room. His eyes never caught their hosts while even more Knights of all ages landed. When Troy was born, the doctors had to use pliers to get him out. Fortunately for him and his mother, both survived, but Troy was lacking the left part of his face. Since then, he hid it behind half a mask of magic. At first, he concealed his scars and his dull left eye behind the exact replica of the right side of his face but then, after his Lord had picked him up and made him be the man he was now, chose to magic his mask like his ancestors dressed and celebrated their dead.

More people landed, mostly men, but some female Knights too - and a child, merely five years old.

"M-m...", Abraxas stuttered. Oh, the shame! He was devastated! If they saw him with their Lord, in this position... He couldn't lift his face up ever again, he would be disowned, chased away, stripped of his name and his birthrights, but moreover, he would be the one to blame to have ended the sacred bloodline of the Malfoys!

Tom stopped what he was doing for a second before he continued to nibble and bite his neck again. He scratched his teeth along the tender skin on his way down to his shoulder before tracing the same path up with his tongue flickering like greedy flames.

"S-stop. They c-c-can't-"

"Is this some kind of a sick joke?", asked a girl with eyes as haunted as the Shrieking Shack while trying to laugh it off. Just at this moment, all eyes from the Knights wandered off, looking anywhere but at her. "Oh, come on, you tiny little roaches, I can smell your piss from here."

Iah Moon looked left and right scaredly, before tilting his head in the general direction of Marylin Grace and hissed: "Watch your mouth, Ma-"

"Enough, Moon!", bellowed Blake. He grabbed a fistful of his collar and dragged him towards the windows.

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